2 | Take The Blame

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"What was that?" Gwen asked in a low yet excited tone.

By then we had made it into the cafeteria line grabbing, pouring and dolloping food into the bowls and plates on our plastic trays. I was grabbing a pre-packaged acai bowl onto my own tray when I heard what she said. I didn't have an answer to her question but I responded anyway.

"I don't know" I said, but after seeing Gwen's serious face. "Honestly"

"What's her name?" she asked as she paid for her food.

"Aurora Conway" I replied, as I set my tray down on the counter.

"Isn't she one of those new scholarship students?" she asked me, with a foul taste in her mouth.

I simply shook my head as a response, because it was better not to say too much to Gwen. I love the girl to pieces but she's a gossip hub first and a human second.

The cashier lady gave Gwen her tray back and started scanning my items. I saw 8.50$ in green digital numbers on the black register screen so I put my hand into my pocket to dig out my card. Thankfully, I felt it in my hand so I took out the card and paid the lady the exact amount of money I needed to give. I got my tray back from the counter and started walking with her to our table.

As we were approaching our designated table, a variety of girls from our grade checked me out as I passed by. Some of them even flirtatiously asked how my summer went. I didn't know any of their names.

From the distance we were at I could already see Melinda and Max making out like two horndogs while Blake peacefully ate his (from what I could see) penne pasta completely ignoring them.

"Hey guys" Blake greeted us with a smile, his fork halfway into the pasta.

"Hey Blake" Gwen greeted him with simple two words, before she bit into her apple.

"Julia has a crush on a girl in her class her name is Aurora" Gwen said in a gossiplike tone.

I shouldn't have said anything. Right then Melinda stopped making out with Max resulting in Max's lips touching her cheek. I'm met with the doubtful green eyes of Melinda's.

"Aurora. I've never heard of that name is she new?" Melinda asked.

"Yeah she is." Gwen replied. "She's a scholarship student."

"Gross." Mel replied, her face scrunched up in disgust.

"My parents are going off to a business trip in Orlando next weekend and I was thinking we should probably put my house to good use." he gave us his signature Blake Georges smirk.

"You're seriously considering throwing a party when the year just started?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

This is so Blake of him to do.

"Yeah Julia c'mon it'll be a banger kick off to the last year in this place." he replied to me encouraging me to agree to this absurdity. "What do you guys think?"

"I mean, I'm down for whatever." Max shrugged his shoulders, indifferently as per usual. "I can even help get us some booze for the party, my cousin turned 21 a few months ago, and he and I are tight, so I'm sure he can get us enough alcohol."

"That's great. Melinda, Gwen?"

"Well, I have swim practice on Saturdays, so obviously the party has to be on a Friday." Gwen stated.


"Yeah, why not, I'm not up to filling my brain with theories just yet." Melinda said in between her sips she was taking of her favorite grape soda pop.

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