Author's Note: Sorry! (and a Rant)

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Oh, would you look at that, I seem to have written two consecutive Author's Notes. Shit.

I apologise profusely for the lack of updates these past eighteen days, I have been busy.

Much to my surprise it has not been the normal binge watching of TV shows (although I must admit it was a contributing factor) but my social life that has prevented me from writing. I know, shocking isn't it?

I also appear to have come to a creative standstill. I have had absolutely no idea how to continue that chapter I have started.

Now that the apologising and explaining is over I would like to take this opportunity to rant. If you are not a Marvel fan then you can probably skip this part, unless you're genuinely interested in what I have to say about the plot devices of 'The Avengers: Age of Ultron.'

I thoroughly enjoyed the film, there was a satisfying amount of badassery and Aaron Taylor Johnson was expectedly really hot (I mean, I also enjoyed his excellent portrayal of Quick Silver and his brilliant acting but you know... hormones) but I have a few things to say about it.

Firstly, I'm getting a bit sick of overly CGI fight scenes in which a horde of essentially faceless bad guys throw themselves at our heroes and simply get killed. For one thing, it's difficult to watch simply because the action is confused, where's the clarity? All I'm seeing is layer upon layer of CGI robots being easily destroyed. Also, where's the stakes? Okay, so obviously we know that there's a city about to be used to crush thousands of people ect ect, but for one moment did any of us believe that the Avengers would fail? That one of the original heroes would die? Of course not, we just didn't know the details of the real losses they would make. Is this exciting film? To me, unfortunately not, but you are free to disagree with me.

Additionally, the Natasha/Bruce love story was very irritating to me. If anything, I found it sort of insulting to the audiences intelligence.

I don't dislike them as a couple, I don't dislike either of the characaters (I mean seriously Bruce Banner is a gift) but how the hell are the audience meant to truly believe this love story when it was so randomly thrust upon us?

It goes from causual flirting to talking about her having his children (or not, yikes)  in less than a few weeks for them, it's honestly the most ridiculous thing. In what real life situation would you be concerned of what could lie that far in your future with someone that you aren't even officially going out with? What a ridiculous and unnecessary scene that was.

Apart from that, and several other things that I won't bother delving into, it was brilliant. And also starred Andy Serkis (Captain Haddock).

Anyway, Happy Star Wars day my lovelies.

- tanitheverdeenxx

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