14. Domestic Life

Start from the beginning

Scarlett passed her hand through her hair to clean out the shampoo. She closed her eyes so no shampoo would get into them. As the shampoo was washed away, some ruffling coming from the other side of the shower curtain made her pause. She knew Chris was done with his phone call and was about to join her.

Inevitably, the curtain was pulled back then forth once he was inside the shower. "So, I was wondering, am I a good lover?" He spoke up and watched as Scarlett pulled her hand down to her hip and turned around to look at him with amusement in her eyes. "I mean, I haven't been with someone in some time and I never really dare to ask the women I've dated. So I just wanted to know-"

"Which award you'd get between good lover and bad lover?" She finished for him with a teasing voice. She knew he was going to ask her this question eventually.

"Well, yeah."

She laughed and shook her head. "I don't think I need to tell you which one you'd get." She gave him a pointed look to which he gave a laugh. "Come here." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her so he'd be under the falling water as well. She moved and set her head back against the shower wall as he stood next to her, enjoying the hot water cascading down his body.

"That feels nice." He commented, closing his eyes.

"It does." She agreed, biting her lips as she watched him. She looked at him up and down as a thought crept up in her mind. "Say, Chris."

He gave her a soft 'yeah' as he opened his eyes and turned to face her.

"You know that scene from Modern Family, in the earlier seasons, where it's Phil and Claire's anniversary and the kids want to bring them breakfast in bed?" She paused to see if he knew what she was talking about exactly. Another soft 'yeah' escaped his lips as all of his attention was set on her and she went on with her tale. "Then, they open the door and it's just so obvious that Phil is taking Claire doggystyle?"

Chris made a low grunting noise in the back of his throat and looked down at her through his eyelashes. "Yeah?" He said, licking his lips.

He was looking at her with such intensity that if it wasn't for the wall holding her up, she would've fallen to her knees before him. She swallowed and rubbed her thighs together as she looked up at him. "Well, I just love that." She managed to say in a whisper.

Once those words escaped her lips, his breath hitched in his throat and his pupils dilated. "Which one?" He asked in a hoarse voice and pulled himself closer. "That scene or being taken doggystyle?"

Scarlett gave him a small smirk and turned around until she was facing the wall. She glanced back at him over her shoulder and said in a hushed yet clear voice. "Both."

Chris leaned himself against her as he stroked up her arms with the tips of his fingers. Then, in that bathroom, the two of them made that fantasy come true.


"So, I guess we should that talk now." Scarlett said as she joined Chris on the couch with some snacks. She set the snacks between them and looked at him, waiting for him to agree.

"Huh?" Chris lifted his head from his phone and made eye contact with her. "Uh, yeah, Of course. Sorry, the guys were going at it again on the groupchat." He turned off his phone and left it behind him. "Let's talk."

She rolled her eyes. "When will they ever stop?" She shook her head, trying to stay focused. "Let's just concentrate on one thing for now. I don't think we need to have the whole 'oh we are friends and we've known each other for such a long time' talk, we already know that. Obviously." He nodded at that. "But, uh, well. Look, I don't want to get into the complexity of things, everything would be even more complicated and we'd both have headaches by the time we're done."

"Chris," She pursued, taking his hand in hers and hoping he understood what she meant. "I just think we should enjoy it while it lasts and not worry about anything while we're here. Honestly, I feel good with you. And safe."

Chris' eyes widened at her words. In every scenario he had played over and over in his head, this hadn't been one of them. That scenario was a dream come true. "Well, I didn't expect that. But I'm very happy to hear that." He confessed. "I feel so good when I'm by your side, I've never felt this way with anyone else. An-and I'm absolutely okay with 'enjoying it while it lasts'."

Scarlett smiled softly at him and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Then we agree." She leaned against him, taking the snacks and putting them on her stomach. "So, what movie did you choose?"

"Uh... None. I was distracted by the guys." He admitted, wrapping an arm around her. 

"Oh, it's fine. We'll found one." She grabbed the remote control and searched for a movie.

Chris watched her like he couldn't believe what was happening. He had never thought he would hear those words coming from her mouth, even though he knew he was sure they were meant to be. In his mind, Scarlett didn't belong with Colin. The guy had only texted her once ever since this strange quarantine began, as far as he knew. And that been simply to send her a trashy article about them potentially having an affair. He almost laughed out loud about the irony of it all. 


Hello, everybody!

I would like to start by apologizing in so long. I was it seemed in a writing slump, I didn't entirely know what the next steps of this story was and it took me a while to figure it out. 

I'll try to update every saturday, fingers crossed it'll make me write more. I hope all of you are doing okay and more is coming!

Lots of love,


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