Chapter 15

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We watched as Natasha walked closer to us, smiling. I wanted to say something or at least do something but I figured it would be better for everyone if I just kept still and kept quiet for the time being. I couldn't see Izzy to be anywhere here. I wasn't really interested in what she had to say to, I don't have time for people like her.

We stood in front of each other for a while before Natasha decided to speak.

"It's so sweet that you decided to come to look for your friend, Ella." Natasha smiled at me, "I would let all of you go but I wouldn't have gone through all the effort just to let you all go that easily." She continued.

"What do you want from me?"

"See, I always knew that Ricky still loved you even when he was with me, even though he denied it. I loved him, Ella. We belong together and he fell in love with some ugly loser."

Ricky tensed up. I squeezed his hand, I didn't want him to say or do anything that he would regret later.

"I will let your precious friend and Ricky go unharmed if you stay here."

"Fine." I said quickly. Natasha looked surprised that I had said yes.

"You can't do that Ella." Ricky said softly, "I won't let you."

"You have to" I said. "It's the only way to garruntee yours and Izzy's safety."

"I don't care about my safety. I care about you."

"Oh how cute." Natasha said sarcastically. "Don't worry Ricky, I won't hurt her."

"Then why are you keeping her?"

Natasha smiled again. "She would just be my slave, I won't hurt her unless she disobeys."

"She is not a slave and I won't allow her to become one either. Not for you or anybody else."

"Ricky, she could do a lot worse to me. I will be fine."

He didn't look entirely convinced by what I had just said.

"Ricky you can follow me." Natasha turned her back to us and walked to a door. She motioned to Ricky to follow her and he quickly kissed me on the cheek before walking out. I heard the door lock behind him and I stood there in the dark and cold room, fearing every second.


*Narrators pov*

Ricky followed Natasha through dimly lit corridors, he was unsure weather she was actually taking him to Izzy or weather it was a trick.

They stopped suddenly and Natasha turned to Ricky and looked him straight in the eye.

"I keep to my word." Natasha unlocked the door to reveal a girl lying on the floor.

Ricky rushed over to her and picked her up.

"Are you okay?" Ricky asked.

"Ricky it hurts" Izzy groaned.

"What does?"


"Let's get you out of here."

Natasha led them out of there and Ricky quickly rushed to his car.

"Where do you live?"

Izzy told him her address and he quickly sped off.

"Where's Ella - Jade?"

Ricky swallowed hard, he didn't want to admit to Ella's best friend that she had to stay behind in order to save them both. He doubted that she would buy that for a second.

"Where is she?" Izzy repeated.

Ricky didn't answer her, he was still trying to come up with a good excuse as to why she wasn't here. Telling her she didn't come in the first place wouldn't be good enough, he figured.

"Don't tell me she's still there."

"Well..." Ricky started before getting cut off by Izzy.

"Ricky, we have to turn back right now to get her."

"I have to get you home first, I promise you I will get her back from there."

"How did you allow her to stay?"

"Trust me, if I had the choice I would still be there, not her."

When they got to Izzy's house, Ricky carried her to the door. He knocked once and Izzy's dad, Ethan opened the door.

He looked at Ricky, confused for a second before looking down at Izzy laying there in his arms.

" Dad..." Izzy said weakly.

He took Izzy inside and Ricky followed him in to explain but before he even had the chance he was cut off.

"What the hell did you do to my daughter?!" He screamed. He put Izzy down on the sofa and pushed Ricky against the wall.

"Dad, it wasn't his fault. He saved me."

He let Ricky go. "If what she says is true, then thank you."

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