C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

My chest jumps up and down. I want to pull my hair out and maybe punch a hole in the wall.

"She keeps getting hurt because of me." My words are too soft, too broken.

"Not because of you." Allegra counters.

"I put her here on this earth. She is my sole responsibility." I fist my hands. "She didn't ask for a life this messy."

When Allegra takes my face in her hands, I can't think. I don't hurt. I just breathe. In and out.

"Neither did you."

"What?" I whisper.

"You didn't ask for the pain you were given. It is not your fault."

"Stop." I lock my jaw.

She steps closer.

"It isn't your fault."

"Stop that." I clench my fists, holding my breath.

Her eyes don't even stutter away from mine once. She truly believes what she's saying and I hate that.

I hate that she can see good in someone so damaged.

"It is not. Your fault."

I can not find the oxygen in my lungs.

"Allegra—" I shake my head, closing my eyes.

"Say it."


"Say it." Her forehead is just barely touching mine. I can feel her energy radiating off of her. "Say it's not your fault."

"I—," my words fall from their sentence. "I can't."


"What?" My eyes pop open. She's looking at me with such a serious look.

"You heard me."

"Don't be childish."

She steps back, retreating her hands and leaving my face cold from her distant touch.

"You started it." She mocks a childish look and I narrow my eyes ok her.

"Did not."

My arms cross over my chest.

"Don't act so big and tough now." She copies me, crossing her arms over her chest as well. I see her trying to hide a smirk.

It's not until she almost lets a smile breakthrough that I realize what she's done. She's distracted me. She's brightened my mood. She's purposefully got me upset so I could stop my self pity.

I study the curve of her lips, the flutter of her eyelashes. I watch the look in her eyes and count the freckles on her cheeks.

I relax my body, taking in the silence.

"It's not my fault?" I finally find myself asking in the quiet. A soft curve lights her lips.

"No, Val. It's not your fault."

How can she see the damage I've caused and still look at me like I'm deserving of a good life? Why has she stayed this long? Why does she care?

Suddenly, I feel the hairs on my skin start to rise. A deep whirlwind of emotion flutters my stomach. I abruptly feel nervous.

I clear my throat, stepping back.

"Uhm. Thank you." My lips form a straight line.

"I'm one call away." Allegra says softly.

I feel a hot sensation reach my face.

"Yes, I'll remember that. Thank you."

Her hand touches my arm and chills run down my spine quickly.

What is happening to me?

"I care about you." I don't want to believe her accusation but I can see it's genuine. "And Eleonora. If you ever need anything, feel free to ask."

"Right. I will."

I stare at her face. Has it always been this pretty? I know her beauty runs deep but, but today it's different. Allegra is magnificent. Her beauty is perfection.

"I can stay if you want." Her words are tempting.

"I shouldn't hold off anymore." Allegra nods, understanding. "She needs me."

Allegra's smile holds a sweet fondness.

"Bye, Valerius."

I bite my tongue. I nod.

I breathe.


I don't glance back as Allegra retreats but I do notice the vase of flowers sitting on the table in the waiting room. A vase full of dahlias.

Ellie lays soundly on her hospital bad, the monitor softly beeping. She looks different than she did hours ago. Blood and dirt don't coat her skin like it used to.

My little girl.

My daughter. My piccolina.

My little devil-spawn.

So strong. So brave.

Better than I could ever begin to be.

I let my hand graze her cheek. She looks so comfortable, so sweet.

I let my words fall to a whisper.

"We're going to be okay, baby."

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