The place is packed with students. An usher leads me to the area where my assigned block is seated. I look around, feeling both nervous and excited to see the people I'll be spending the next four years with. A few of them turn their heads in my direction. Their faces mirror my anxiety and anticipation-minus the sweat. Why do they all look so fresh? Do they know a secret, shaded passage to get here? I cross my arms over my chest and make my way to a seat near the back where a cute girl with short hair is seated.

"Um, hi. Is this seat taken?" I ask.

"Nope. You can sit." She looks up from her phone, takes her bag from the seat, and places it on her lap.

"Thanks. I'm Clara, by the way."

"Chinie," she answers as she shakes my hand.

"I'm sorry my hand is so sweaty. And my whole face and body. It's so hot! I had to walk all the way here." I ramble as I set my backpack down and place it under my seat.

Chinie laughs-a sweet, melodic laugh that sounds like chimes tinkling in the wind. "It's okay. Don't worry about it," she says. "What school are you from?"

"Oh, it's a small school in Pampanga. You probably haven't heard of it. What about you?"

"I'm from a small Chinese school in Binondo. You probably haven't heard of it either."

I smile back, glad to have found one friendly face amidst the sea of strangers. "I think we'll be good friends then."

Once the program starts, there's no more time to talk. A video about the school is shown, then some important people speak and welcome the freshmen. The last person to come up on stage is a stern-looking man in a red collared shirt with a whistle around his neck.

"Hello, freshmen! I'm Coach Samuel, and I'd like to introduce you to this year's basketball team. I'm proud to say we now have our strongest team yet. Please give a round of applause to the Roaring Dragons!"

The coach steps aside as a group of guys in bright red jerseys jog up the stage. I immediately spot Mickey, wearing jersey number 23. He gets the biggest round of applause when Coach Samuel introduces him. My mind drifts back to the memory of our family reunion when I met him for the first time. Hmm... I wonder if he'll remember me.

Mickey smiles and waves tentatively at the crowd, his shoulders hunched and his face partially hidden by the cap he's wearing. I expected him to look more confident, but perhaps he feels just as nervous as I do at starting a new chapter as a college freshman. I mean, even if he was the star player back in high school, it's probably intimidating to be playing with these older guys.

Beside him, a slightly shorter, stockier guy beams at the crowd. Unlike Mickey, he looks very comfortable on stage. Coach Samuel introduces him as Rico Diaz, last year's MVP. In contrast to Mickey's boyish features, Rico looks very manly with his dark, weathered face and solid build. Even if he's not the tallest guy on the team, he stands with his back straight and his shoulders pushed back, making him look like the most confident guy up there.

"The University Basketball League is about to start so please come and watch the games," Coach Samuel continues. "You'll get extra credits in P.E. if you do. And not just for basketball-for any sport. So please support our athletes."

"Oooh, the guys are so cute!" Chinie gushes and grabs my arm. "I've never watched a basketball game live before. Have you?"

"What?" I ask. I can barely hear her amidst the whoops and cheers from the crowd. And I have to admit, I can't stop looking at Rico.

"I said, have you ever watched a live basketball game?" she asks in a louder voice.

I pull my eyes away from Rico and turn to look at Chinie. "Yes! I watch all the time. My cousin plays on his high school team and my relatives are huge basketball fans, so the whole family is pretty much forced to watch all the games."

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