Authors note :)

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Hello fellow readers. This is a message from me (the author of this story). You do not have to read this and you can skip this and start the story. But for those who decided to stay and read this note, I will be talking about mainly the warnings and realistic events that I've placed into this story and the reason why I decided to take so much time and effort to write this story.

For starters I want to say. I'm really thankful you decided to take a look at one of my books. This one I spent a lot of time on as I wanted to make sure to get as many as correct details that I could as possible. I am really fascinated with Ancient Egypt, ancient cultures and their styles and also love this story and movie "The Prince Of Egypt." The movie and story tells it mainly from Moses' point of view, so I wanted to tell it from Rameses point of view if that is okay.

I decided to add in a bit of romance to the story as Rameses II has many, many children and had many wives. I didn't want to make this the classic "just go by the movie or show." I wanted to create and add onto the story through the eyes of you (the reader) and Izidora (our main character). I wanted to make this realistic but with a slight bit of fantasy thrown into the mix.

Also; a lot of stories show men taking the lead as there is nothing wrong with that, but I put a twist on that within this story. I also decided to add realistic emotions within this story i.e depression, anxiety, and more. I threw in some real life events that took place within Rameses time as Pharaoh and other ancient countries that were around at the time i.e Nubians, Hitties and other Arabian countries.

I also threw in murder, abuse, seduction, people being drugged , anger issues, bipolar disorders, emotional abusive relationships, trauma, and ideals of sex. Please don't read if this stuff easily triggers you.

Note: there isn't much detailed sex so it is easy to skip over. I just wanted to make the story as real as possible

I also would really appreciate it if you guys left feedback for me to take. Thank you for reading this note and my book.


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