Chapter Twenty-Five: "When Feelings Come Back"

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Over time, for the past couple of days Rameses and Izidora spent time together. Catching up with each other and telling each other crazy stories and adventures of their royal life. They laughed as they walked in the sand next to each other. "And then what?" Rameses asked chuckling. "And after he fell, he stood up and had grapes stuck all the way up his nose!" Izidora said laughing.

Rameses chimed into the laughter as Hotep and Huy walked up to Rameses and began to speak with him about his new ideas for sculptures and building. "The new temple?" Rameses questioned as he began to think and look around. His eyes landed on Izidora as she was actually standing in the Nike River as she
Allowed the alligators to circle around her.

She liked animals. All kinds. The alligators seemed harmless as they swarm in unison around her in a playful manner. They even allowed her to pet them. "She has changed quite a bit your majesty..." Hotep said with a bit of disgust. "Yeah she has..." Rameses said with a smirk.

"Izi!" Rameses called out to her. She looked back and smiled. Rameses walked towards the Nile and kneeled down. " I was wondering...." He began to say as he rubbed the back of his head. "How'd you feel if maybe you could help me make some decisions again?" He spoke as he finally looked Izidora in the eyes.

She had a blank expression. "No." She replied. His eyes widened for a minute. "No?" He spoke. "Yes, I said no." Izidora said emotionless. "Can I ask why?" He asked confused. " I'm a Queen Rameses, not a maid. Who will take care of the people and what I now call home?" She asked him. He did not speak.

Rameses stood up as Izidora started to make her way out of the water. Her sheer dress showing her body and figure even more than it already has due to the water. "You know what I really want Rameses? If I really could get what I want?" Izidora asked him. He tilted his head alittle and chuckled. "And what might that be?" He said folding his arms with a smirk.

Izidora smirked and looked up at him. She stepped closer to him, causing him to lose his composure a bit due to the fact Izidora was so close to him. "I want..." she began to say as she traced the left side of his chest. His breathing intensified as his eyes widened. Hotep and Huy turned around so they could have deniability.

"To take the throne."

Rameses eyes widened so big he never thought he would hear those words from Izidora before. He shook his head as he gained his composure. "That won't happen, you realize that right?" He said chuckling. "Why not? Do you not love me anymore? Have you fallen for that other woman?" Izidora questioned seductively.

Rameses didn't know what to say as he did not want make himself look like a fool. "I- no I was just saying as in-" Rameses began to stutter. Something he hadn't done in a long time. " does she treat you better than I have?" She continued to ask while keep eye contact as Rameses began to fidget from his intense breathing.

Izidora then began to laugh. "I am just joking silly! Why take another throne when I already have one? " She said slightly nudging Rameses. He nervously chuckled as Izidora laughed uncontrollably. "You should have seen you face." She laughed. Rameses rolled his eyes and smirked. "Ha ha ha..." he sarcastically said folding his arms.

They began to walk back to the palace. As Izidora actually began discussing new ideas she came up with for Rameses new temple he was building. He was surprised that she had already thought about it all and that he wondered if Izidora truly did still love him.

Hotep and Huy took the scrolls from Izidora and began reading them when Izidora immediately stopped walking as she heard one of the Egyptian guard whipping a little boy. She turned around as she watch the young boy cry and the boy's father rush towards him and try to protect him, but he was whipped aswell.

Izidora realized this place did not change. She walked over to the Egyptian guard whipping the man that was protecting his son as he shielded his son with his body. Taking the lashes from the Guards brutal whip. It angered Izidora as she rushed over towards them.

The guard raised his hand again but was stopped by Izidora grabbing his wrist somehow and twisting his arm behind his back. He cried out in pain as Izidora took his whip and whipped him on the back over and over again non stop.

The young man and little boy watched in shock to see what was happening. This had never happened before. An Egyptian guard being whipped? It was insane. Hotep and Huy's eyes widened as they pointed behind Rameses. Confused, Rameses turned around and his eyes widened once more to see Izidora mercilessly whipping the guard nonstop.

He cried out as everyone watched in shock. Rameses walked over to Izidora and grabbed her hand gently. Her breathing was heavy as she was beating the whip into the guards back as much as she could. Everytime she whipped him she thought of the years her people were enslaved and the time she missed with her father and her mother and Moses.

The cries and pain of her people. She had beaten the guard so much that blood was leaking from his back. He cried out in pain as Izidora looked up at Rameses. He was not angry and he was not sad. Izidora felt like Rameses somehow could understand why she did what she did. She looked back at the people watching.

She looked back at the man and the little boy. Then she realized. The people were afraid. Not of the guard, but of Izidora herself. She looked at the whip that she held and realized. She was acting just like one of the guards. That isn't what she wanted. She dropped the whip and ran back to the palace.

She was confused, she thought she did the right thing. But then why were people afraid of her and why was she afraid of herself. Rameses rushed after her as he found her in her room under her blanket and silently crying. "Izi? You cant stay in the bed forever" he spoke to her from above the covers.

"Yes I can, and I will." She replied. Rameses rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Then who will attend the banquet with me tonight?" He asked trying to her her out of the bed. "Allani can go with you." She replied once more. "I don't want Allani to go with me. I want you to come with me." He reassured her.

Izidora did not reply. Rameses thought of what to do for a moment and then smirked and said, "fine..." as he laid in the bed, on top of the cover with Izidora. She could feel the weight of the bed change as she was still under the covers. "Your not leaving until I get up, are you?" She spoke up.

"Nope." Rameses chuckled.

Izidora sat up from under the covers with a sad look as Rameses had gotten comfortable and was lying in his stomach and a pillow under his head to keep his head leveled. His eyes were shut but Izidora knew he was not sleep but he was close to falling asleep. She could not blame him, the bed was absolutely comfy.

He looked like and angel when he was sleeping. Izidora practically forgot what she was so sad about. The covers that were halfway covering her body made her want to lay back down, and she did.

Her eyes fluttered as she looked at Rameses who still had his eyes shut and his breathing was steady. She got comfortable as she caught herself staring at Rameses. He then smirked and said, " you going to keep staring at me or what?" He chuckled.

Izidora jolted from surprised but then smirked as she was not going to let Rameses one up her like that. He made her blush and so she believed she must get pay back. She scooted closer to Rameses as his eyes were still shut but furrowed from the confusion.

He wondered why Izidora had moved so close to him but his question was answered when he felt the soft warmth from Izidora's lips. Before he knew it, he caught himself kissing her back. He missed her taste. The way she kissed him. How she would place her hands all around his body when he kissed her.

His heart was blazing with excitement. He deepened the kiss and added more passion and so did Izidora. At first it was a joke to her but then those old feelings came back the moment he kissed her back.

What had they gotten themselves into...

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