Chapter Eleven: "Joseph's Dungeon"

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(n) finding something good without looking for it

Rameses looked in the distance of the Royal dungeons. Hoping that Izidora was okay. Meanwhile Izidora was hurled up on the ground crying. The guards had thrown her in there so hard that she hit her head up against a piece of stone that caused her to black out for a moment. She opened her eyes slowly as she looked up to see a rat infront of her.

She kicked and screamed at the rat as it ran somewhere in the corner into a hole in the wall. She slowed her breathing down when she looked at her surroundings. The sun blinded her sight as she looked up and quickly blocked the rays of the sun. She looked at what stood infront of her. A tree. Confusion ran through her head as she wondered how the hell a tree could grow in a dungeon.

She observed the tree, it seemed to have been grown years ago. The stoned around it seemed to be aging very fast as one fell over, but the tree was aging well. It was starting to wilt a little but it was nothing Izidora could fix just alittle but if water. She looked at the walls, large tally marks were written all along the walls. She looked up once more, carefully blocked her eyes from the sun's rays.

There were metal bars that seemed to connect to each other to form a hatch. That could open from the outside. That's when it clicked. Her mother used to tell her the story of Joseph. Back in the eighteenth dynasty when Akhenaten was pharaoh. How Joseph was thrown into the same dungeon that Izidora was standing in.

Izidora loved that story of Joseph and gasped at her she was standing in the exact dungeon he was put in. This tree was a representation that anything is possible. Izidora immediately through he sandals off her feet and knelt down as she understood she was standing in a holy place. She clasped her hands together tightly as she began to pray.

When she heard footsteps at the door. She was surprised as she wasn't expecting God to hear her prayers so quickly. The door burst open. It was so old and rusted that is scraped through the dirt and sand causing a gust of wind and sand to blow through Izidora's hair. A man stood there panting as the light was not shining on him and keeping him in the dark.

The man stepped forward to reveal it wa Rameses. He looked like he had seen a ghost when he looked at Izidora who was still on her knees and her hands clasped together facing the tree. "Rameses?" Izidora said surprised. He didn't say anything as he ran to her going on to his knees and hugging Izidora so tightly that it was getting hard for her to breathe alittle. "I thought... I don't know, I thought... they would have done something bad to you." He said shaking.

Izidora finally unclasped her hand and hugged him back. "When they told me you were placed in this dungeon I ran here as fast I could." He continued to say as he tried to keep talking but Izidora hushed him. She lifted his head and placed their foreheads together. "I will be alright Rammy" she said softly. He began to weep softly as Izidora could feel his fast beating heart pulsating through his body and his shaky breathing.

Izidora kept their foreheads together "Rameses please don't cry. Have faith, just like I do." Izidora continued to speak quietly. "I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise." He spoke gently as he grabbed both sides of her head, gently tangling his fingers through it. "Okay?" He said through tears as Izidora nodded hastily and began to cry softly. They stayed like that for about another five minutes that felt like thirty.

Rameses calmed down after a while and said, "I have to tell you something." Rameses said holding Izidora hands together. "Yes?" Izidora asked. "It's about your mother....I'm going to have a royal, respectable and honorable burial for her." He said with a gentle smile. Izidora gasped with my tears running down her face. She was so happy she covered her face as she didn't want Rameses to see the tears falling out of her eyes.

He gently took Izidora hands and kissed them. Leaving Izidora with shock. He slowly lifted his head up with a gentle smile. "You've always been there for me and my family. Let me do this for you and your family." He spoke up. Izidora began to cry again as she thought she would not be able to see the burial and her mother, one last time. She sniffled.

"When you do the burial, please... tell her I love her so much. Tell my father where I am... Tell him I love him so much." Izidora said shaking her head from the tears and looking at the ground. Rameses lifted her head and said, "you are gonna say all of that yourself."

Izidora looked up in confusion. "I'm gonna get you out of here before the burial and as for your father, I brought him here with me..." Rameses said smiling as he turning around and ushered the guards to let Emmanuel in. The tall man walked in and stopped when he saw Izidora. His eyes widened and a big smiled formed on his face. "Izidora! Is it really?" He said stepping forward as he hadn't seen her in a long time.

"It's me father." She said as he stood up taking a few steps forward. "Oh thank goodness!" He exclaimed rushing to her and bring her into a huge embrace. He cried so much that day, Izidora never seen him cry like this. "I prayed everyday for your safety." He said crying. "I love you so much, my sweet little girl." He said holding her tighter as if she would disappear. He pulled away and wiped his tears.

"When his majesty told me he was going to prepare a honorable burial for you mother, I thought I was going nuts! And when I heard you were thrown in here I cried so much!" He continued to say. He looked at Rameses an said , "thank you your majesty, thank you so much! For allowing me to see my daughter and for trying to get her out of here!" He said holding back tears. Rameses began to have a feeling that he never felt before. This Hebrew was the same Hebrew that has been a slave for years and yet he is thanking him?

It wasn't a "thank you." That you say just to say it out of fear like most Hebrews did. You could tell the man was genuine with a good heart. It was like his heart took control over his body as he held his hand out. Emmanuel hesitated as the sunlight shined on both of them. The man smiled as he took Rameses hand firmly, and wrapped his other hand around it. "May God bless you, and your future children to come, and so much more!" The man exclaimed.

Rameses eyes widened as he looked at his hand and smiled. "May you be blessed as well. I promise Izidora will be out of here in no time." He said. "Time to wrap things up your majesty." A guard said as Emmanuel rushed to hug his daughter one last time. Izidora smiled gently as Rameses and Emmanuel walked out of the dungeon, leaving Izidora alone again.

The Prince of Egypt: A Pharaoh's RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora