Chapter Thirteen: "A Dream For Izidora"

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emotional anguish or grief, typically caused by the loss or absence of someone loved.

The boys stopped smiling and grinning wants they took a second look at the old man. He was not crying, weeping, or moving. "Hey! Old man! Wake up!" One boy said kicking him. The old man's body was limp. But the boys bodies were shaking, their hearts pumping so fast they could practically feel it coming out of their chest.

"Matthew! You killed him!" One boy shouted. "I didn't kill him! You killed him Issac! Malachi! Tell him" Matthew said. Malachi said nothing at first as he was still processing everything. "Here, help me pick him up, place him in his house in his bed under the covers." Malachi said picking up the old man causing his hands to stain with blood.

The boys helped him pickup the old man and bring him into the house, placing him on the bed and under the covers. The boys sighed as they used the blanket to cover Emmanuel's head as well. They ran back home and vowed to tell a single soul about what happened that night.

The next day, Izidora woke up on the cold hard ground. She had a strange dream of seeing her father and mother in Heaven, smiling, waving and looking down at her. "Mama, papa, what are you doing up there! Don't leave me!" She cried out. They would not respond, they just smiled and began moving further away. "Don't....don't leave.... Don't leave me alone...." She said in a low pained voice. She fell too her knees as she attempted to reach them but someone was there to lift her up. Rameses. He was right there by her side, like always.

After she woke up, She sat up and ran to the metal door banging on it. She could feel in her heart that something wasn't right. God didn't send that dream for no reason. She banged until a guard pulled back a slit to where she could see his eyes. "What?" He spat. "I need to speak with his majesty, Prince Rameses. It's an emergency." She cried out. The guard chuckled. "His majesty is busy attending to other important matters." He said back.

"May I ask what kind of matters?" Izidora asked. "Are you royalty?" The guard asked. "No?" She responded. "Then you answered your question." He spat back. He was about to close the slot when Izidora stopped him. "I'm not royalty, but I am the majesty's right hand, therefore I should know all of his royal duties and matters." Izidora spoke up. The guard rolled his eyes in defeat. "He's on a royal date, with some royal princess." He stated.

"Oh..." Was all Izidora could say. "Surprised he went with it, if you ask me..." the guard said yawning as he was tired. "Then can I speak to the Queen, please I have to speak to someone." Izidora stated. The guard sighed in annoyance. "Alright." He said closing the slot and opening the door. "Let's go." He said. Izidora's face lit up. The walk to the palace was so long, Izidora's began to get bored. "If you could choose, what animal would you be?" Izidora asked blatantly.

"And why would I entertain such a stupid question." The guard said glancing at Izidora and then keeping his gaze forward. "To lighting the mood. You always seen so tense." Izidora replied. "Because I am supposed to be." The guard replied back. "Do you want to be?" Izidora asked. The guard didn't reply for a moment. "Stop asking questions." He said as they were about to arrive at the palace. It was silent and then he said.... "If I could be an animal, I'd be a lion." He replied.

Izidora walked with a shocked expression that he responded but decided not to say anything and chuckled and he chuckled as well. Queen Tuya was already notified about Izidora's arrival. The guard opened the door to the throne room but did not walk inside. "Your not taking me to her?" Izidora asked "No. She trusts you." He responded

He closed the door, leaving Izidora there by herself as she walked toward down the large hall of the throne room as Queen Tuya was waiting there for her. The Queen couldn't contain herself and ran towards Izidora with her arms out, bring her into a large embrace. "I was so worried about you Izidora." She said she pulled away and cupped Izidora's face. "Did they hurt you? Are you okay?" Tuya asked.

"No your majesty, I am okay. They placed me in Joseph's dungeon." Izidora replied to which Tuya gasped. "I heard stories about Joseph I've never even seen our dungeons." Tuya stated. Izidora looked down and went quiet which caused the Queen to ask Izidora what was wrong. "Your majesty, last night a dream was given to me..." Izidora started to say while walking to a large window where she could see the statue head of Pharaoh.

"A dream? What dream?" Tuya asked confused. "A dream of my mother and father passed on into the next life...." Izidora said with her head down. "I woke up with a terrible feeling with my stomach...." Izidora continued to say. "Your majesty....please... I need to go see my father. Something is calling me to him. I can feel it in my heart." She said clasping onto her chest. Tuya grabbed her hand and said. "The gods are granting you a vision. Quick we must get to your father. Guards!" She said while calling for her guards.

They ran outside of the palace and hopped onto a chariot. Izidora's hands were shaking as the Hebrew women gasped to see the Queen and Izidora in their town. "Where is your fathers home?" Tuya asked. "Just down that corner!" Izidora said anxiously. The guard didn't even stop the chariot before Izidora had hopped off and ran to her home and Queen Tuya followed. "Father!? Father where are you?" Izidora called out in their tiny wood home.

Tuya walked in and almost bumped into a table. She saw Izidora calling out to her father who appeared to not be home with Tuya noticed lumps on the bed. The guards noticed and pulled the blanket as they all gasped and covered noses at the horrible smell of old blood residue and smelly skin that is in the process of rotting for the boiling sun.

Izidora quickly turned around and the sight that she saw caused her to make a large scream and cry. She ran to the side of the bed and fell to her knees. She could tell he had been beaten up. "Oh pa...what have they don't to you? Who could have done this to you?" She said through tears. The Queen placed her hand on Izidora's shoulder. "We will give you some time. You don't have to go back to the dungeon. I will talk to pharaoh. Take as much time as you need.

With that, Queen Tuya and the guards left her there to be with her father in peace as she cried and wailed as she felt her heart breaking even more. First her ma, and now her pa. If only she was there. She probably could have saved him somehow. She felt like everyday was getting harder and harder.

Was God punishing her?

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