Part 18

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After dinner Louis goes to have a shower, he changes into his navy pyjamas and grabs his headphones, he puts his music on and sits on the floor by the window again, just looking out at the city.

Watching the sun go down and the rain fall as the city lights come on, is one of Louis favourite things to do. The comfort it brings him is something he craves and is so thankful for.

He hears a knock at his door and pulls his right headphone out.

"Come in" Louis says

Scott and Harry then walk into his room smiling.

"Hi sweetheart" Scott says and he makes his way to the floor next to Louis

"Hi" Louis smiles shyly

Scott and Harry have developed a routine of coming into Louis room before bed every night, when they aren't on shift. They chat about random things and their goal is to always make Louis laugh.

Nothing has developed romantically between them at all, Scott and Harry wanting Louis to settle in and they want to be there for him, help him through everything. They have though, dropped a few hints that they hope Louis has picked up.

Louis loves when Scott and Harry come into his room, he loves spending time with them both and he finds them so attractive. Louis has a crush on them both but would never admit it, although he has sensed that Harry and Scott might feel the same, he thinks they wouldn't see him as anything more than a little brother though.

"Feeling okay?" Harry asks as he sits on Louis other side

"Yeah, I guess" Louis says

"Listen, we just want you to know, whatever happens with Robbie, we're here okay. We will always be here" Scott says

Louis smiles and looks to Scott

"I know, I appreciate you both I really do" Louis says

Scott nods and he reaches out to brush a strand of hair off Louis forehead. They looks into each other's eyes and Louis blushes, looking down causing Scott to smirk.

He and Harry share a look and smile

"Well, we just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything, we know you are used to holding things in and keeping things to yourself, it was a huge step for you to tell us and we understand that" Harry then says

Louis looks up at Harry's gorgeous face, his green eyes sparkle and Louis can't believe how much his life has changed in the last six months and how much support and love he feels from the boys, but especially Harry and Scott

"I just have to get used to sharing things, I don't want you to think I can't handle things or that I'm not coping, I feel guilty for uprooting your lives and as much as you say I haven't, it doesn't make me feel any less guilty" Louis confesses

"We don't think that you're not coping or that you can't handle things, you opening up tonight shows that Lou. Be proud of yourself, because we are so proud of you" Harry says

Louis blushes and Harry kisses him on the head. Louis could stay here forever with Harry and Scott, he feels so safe with them and so drawn to them

"And you have nothing to ever feel guilty about, and we will keep telling you that, for as long as it takes you to believe it" Scott smiles

Louis smiles shyly

"Well you know, I'm almost 18 and can move out and get my own place soon, so I won't be here to listen" Louis says, his eyes sparkling in jest

"Never!" Scott and Harry say loudly and they assault Louis in tickles

Louis laughs loudly as they continue their assault

"We're never letting you go" Scott says chuckling at Louis squirming and laughing

"Okay, okay" Louis laughs out, trying to get free

"Say it, say you'll never leave" Harry laughs

"I promise, I'll never leave....I promise" Louis says between breaths of laughter

The boys stop their tickles and let Louis up

"Good" they both say laughing as Harry bops Louis on the nose

Louis smiles and they all calm down, they end up talking about soccer and Louis absolutely loves the time with Harry and Scott

Outside in the lounge the boys are smiling, listening to Louis laugh and knowing that Harry and Scott are making him means the world to them.

"I love hearing him laugh" Drew says

"Me too, thank god for Harry and Scott honestly" Edward says

"I think Louis might have a slight crush" Andy says smiling

"Louis?" Edward and Drew laugh

"Well, he's not as obvious as Harry and Scott about it" Andy laughs

Drew and Edward laugh and agree

"They do have a special bond, it's lovely to see" Edward says

"It is, isn't it, to see them all so happy" Andy says

"Yeah it is nice, maybe you should show them all the way and do something about your crush! You're both driving me mental at work" Drew jokes, referring to Andy's crush on Kimberly

"Well...actually" Andy says

"What? No way!" Edward gasps

"Way! We're going out Saturday night" Andy says blushing

"Well finally! That's amazing Andy! Honestly it's about time" Drew says

Drew and Edward then start paying out Andy and joking around with him. Andy takes it on the chin, he loves his brothers so much and he really hopes his date goes well with Kimberly.

When Harry and Scott turn in for the night they look to each other and smile

"I'm falling so hard for him" Harry confesses

"Me too" Scott smiles

"I think he might be catching on and maybe feels the same" Harry says but it's a question

"I think so too, I don't want to push him though" Scott says

"Me neither, just going at his pace is enough" Harry says

They smile at each other and kiss goodnight, the kiss turns heated and Harry reaches out and cups Scott's face and he depends their kiss. Scott moans into Harry's mouth as Harry moves on top of Scott. They breathe heavily over each other's mouths as they moan together, they grind against each other, making themselves hard

"Fuck...ugnh" Scott moans

"You feel so good" Harry says, Scott then flips them over and grinds down on Harry, Harry grabs Scott's hair and pulls causing him to moan loudly.

"Moan for me baby" Harry says and he attacks Scott's lips.

Their breathing picks up and their moans get louder as they grind harder on each other

"Fuck, Scott" Harry says, he's so close to his release

"Ugh Harry!" Scott moans

They both release at the same time, kissing each other. coming down from their highs, steadying  their breathing.

"I love you" Scott says as he looks into Harry's eyes

"I love you too" Harry smiles

They kiss a few more times and decide to have a shower to clean themselves up. They put a pair of boxer shorts on and climb into bed, falling asleep in each other's arms

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