Part 4 Training

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All the interns were attending a training session today which I always dreaded as there were so many of us watching. There were many video clips and demos and then we got to the resuscitation section. Of course I was picked to be the casualty and one who volunteered to save my life was none other than a certain intern of Dr Bailey's who I'd had nursed a big crush on for ages. Dr George O'Malley. I had the hots for the guy so badly that at the mere thought of his lips on mine for the kiss of life had my face burning in seconds. The instructor gestured for me to get on the floor which I did. Dr Gorgeous O'Malley knelt next to me so that the interns could see. The demonstration actually went OK. But afterwards we had to write up a feedback on the training experience and after the training was over the instructor held me back. Totally confused, I waited for her to speak at the desk. "I have to say your feedback report on the training was really kind but please refrain from writing Dr Gorgeous O'Malley in future. It's a little inappropriate and I'd hate for anybody else to get wind of it. Just thought I'd give you fair warning." She said kindly. "What? I genuinely didn't know I wrote that. I really thought I wrote his name. Can I rewrite it and rectify that?" I asked. She shook her head. "No I'm afraid I've ran out of copies. But don't worry, I won't let anybody else see it." She reassured me. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "Thankyou. And thanks for today, we really appreciate it." I said as I turned to leave the hall. Nearing the door I clapped eyes on Dr Gorgeous O'Malley himself and my face fell. When he saw me, his face cracked into a knowing grin. "Well, I've never been called Dr Gorgeous O'Malley before." He said quietly. I, in all honesty wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole! "Oh god! I can't believe you heard all that. I'm so sorry." I began but his head shaking and warm smile stopped me from continuing. "Don't be sorry. I'm actually really flattered that you think of me like that. Please, don't be embarrassed. Really, it's OK." He said kindly. My heart melted all the more. "Actually, I happen to have a massive crush on you and the last time I checked, you are the Dr Gorgeous." He went on. I blushed crimson and I couldn't speak. Both of our pagers went off at the same time, snapping me out of the moment. "I'm sorry I'd better get that." I muttered. "Yeah, mine too." He said regretfully. His eyes rested on my lips and I thought he was going to give me a proper kiss but he resisted and went to work. "Maybe next time." I thought to myself as I too returned to work.


I was in the locker room gathering my things at the end of the shift when in came Dr Gorgeous O'Malley. His eyes found me and grasped me by the waist and his mouth attacked mine. I couldn't help but melt into him and soak him in. When we separated, he grinned at me. "I knew I should've done that earlier." He said. "Well, we had work to do." I reasoned. "I know, but I really wanted to." he confirmed that of which I already thought. "You are so beautiful." He whispered gazing deep into my eyes. "Are you sure that I'm Dr gorgeous?" He added. "Oh don't. I'm still mortified about that." I admitted, hiding my flushing face in my hands. I felt his gentle hands wrap around my wrists and pull my hands away. "Don't be. It absolutely made my day especially coming from you." He said in barely more than a tender whisper. He cradled my face in his hands and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. We left the hospital holding hands, talking and making jokes. "Hey, do you want to come over to mine, watch a movie, order takeout?" I asked him. "Yeah that sounds really great actually." He said. I hadn't realised how nervous he was until I noticed him visibly relax beside me. "I was going to ask you on a proper date but I figured we keep it zero pressure, get to know each other better. Keep it real." I said. His grin spread even wider. "You'll be very surprised to find out just how different I really am compared to other women my age." I went on as I unlocked my front door. "Come on in, Dr O'Malley." I said, my blush returning. "Thankyou, Dr Gorgeous." He chided. I slipped a giggle as I took my jacket off. "Wow! You have a really beautiful home." George said. I looked at him looking around. "Thankyou. This was my parents house. I was born here, I grew up here. There's no way that I could leave this place." I explained. "It's a massive part of me." I went on. I strode over to the drinks cabinet. "So, what you drinking?" I asked him. He came to join me where I stood with a cabinet door in each hand. "What an epic collection." He stated admiring the different bottles my parents had collected over the years. "Yeah I know right. Check this out, 1963 was a very good year." I commented, mimicking my fathers voice while holding an ancient bottle of brandy. George laughed as I put it back. Then I spotted a gem. "I fucking love you mom." I jested picking out a bottle of Honey Jack Daniels. "Hey, would you mind grabbing that bottle of Pepsi max out the fridge please?" I asked George. He nodded eager to help me out. "Do you want one as well?" I asked. "Please. I haven't tried the honey JD before." he confessed. "Really, you haven't? You're in for a treat. It's absolutely out of this world." I promised as I poured out a measure on the rocks into two tall tumblers. The cabinet had a built in freezer especially for the ice cubes. The bottle of Pepsi was waiting for me in George's hands. "Thanks." I said as he held it out. I undid it and poured the drink into the glasses and held one out for him. He tasted it and his eyes widened. "That is awesome." He told me and I cracked up in relief. "Both me and my mom used to drink it together on summer nights just chatting after my father went to bed. He always used to have to get up super early in the morning so he'd go up to bed super early." I told him. We decided what movie we were going to watch and what food we were going to order for later and I fell for him even more than I already had.

Dr George O'Malley one shots: The First Batch Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon