004; heard love was blind

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Two months and a half have since passed since you and Eren have met. You both enjoyed a date here and there. Although it was hard maintaining whatever relationship you guys had a secret, you some how managed.

You sat in Eren's class, you couldn't help but stare. Your eyes traced his facial features, causing your cheeks to flush a scarlet hue. His viridian eyes who once were filled with lust, his messy hair which had been tied into a bun in a obvious rush. You couldn't help but squeal as you placed your head against your desk. This obviously caught the unwanted attention of your classmates and Eren's. Eren glanced at you with a confused expression, "Miss L/N, is everything okay?" He asked with a small smirk appearing upon his rosy lips.

You felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment you simply nodded as you watched his turn back to the board. You released a deep sigh as you placed your head against your desk again. You suddenly feel someone nudging your arm. You look up confused looking towards a brunette haired girl. She handed you a messy paper which had been folded many times.
You squint your eyes as you pick up the paper unwrapping it.

"wait for me outside of the auditorium
i need to talk to you"

You instantly recognized the handwriting, it was none other than Jean. You glanced at the girl once again who seemed to be concentrating on Eren's lesson. You simply sigh, anxious for what was awaiting you. Once you heard the anticipated dismissal bell, you packed your stationary and made your way out. You waited for Jean as you leaned against the wall. You thoughts were soon interrupted by a recognizable voice. "hey y/n" you faced jean who was closing the door behind him.
"So what did you need to talk to me about" you questioned trying to get matter done with. Jean looked around cautiously before closing the gap between you and him.

He leaned closer make you anxious, his warm breath came in contact with your neck. "I know about your little secret with Mr Jeager" your eyes widened as your heart began to race. "What?" You questioned as you turned to face him. "I mean what would people say, a professor dating his student" Jean shrugged as he glanced down at you. "I'm warning you Y/n" Jean simply smirked as he walked off. You felt your stomach churn, you wanted to be sick, the whole ordeal was sick. So many questions ran through your head.
"How the fuck did he find out?" you walked off nibbling on your nails.

The rest of the day felt like a blur, probably because you were too worried about Jean opening his mouth. You were genuinely worried about Eren. You walked out of campus and began heading home. The vibration coming from your phone gained all your attention, you pulled out your phone with your heart racing.

hey did you get home safely?
yh I arrived safely thanks
is everything okay?
can I meet up with you?
uhh I'm only free around 8ish
you can come over but I'm not home
keys are under the mat
alr I'll be there
See you later <3
Can't wait to see you <3

You sighed upon entering your apartment, you removed your boots and ran to your room. You changed into a black T shirt and a pair of straight legged trousers. You slipped on your white adidas and walked out of the apartment. You placed your headphones in, trying to calm yourself down.

NO SILHOUETTE : EREN X READER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now