Chapter Five: Soul Tie

Start from the beginning

Laurent: "Look if he wanted to hurt me he would have. He wouldn't have cared that we look like and did what he came to do, but he didn't. He said sorry then turned to run away". *pause* "I also saw a bruise on his face. I don't know what's happened in his life where he's being hurt or feels he has to rob people, but that's what I need to find out because he's a part of me. I know he is and I'm wasting time talking. I'm going to look for him".

Laurent then opens his car door and as he's getting in he hears Greg in a concerned voice tell him, "just please be careful bro. Please". Laurent nods then cranks the engine as he's shutting the door and with his seat belt fastened he leaves the parking space...his tires screeching as he takes off down the road. Since he was on foot Laurent is certain he couldn't have gone very far so he's for sure to find him...but after twenty minutes he doesn't. He looks everywhere he can or thinks he should, but nothing. He starts to beat himself up for not calling out to him as he ran away, but that makes him all the more determined to find him. He tries alleys, an abandoned building and even tries the boardwalk, unbeknownst to him, where Larry was. He's unaware that Larry decided to go back and find him so he can apologize again, but also because he just could not ignore their resemblance and the feeling he has of them being connected. Twenty minutes turns into an hour and because it was such a busy day he's tired so he will try again tomorrow. With plenty of rest and the sunlight he truly believes he will find him though he's prepared to search again at night if need be. He has to find him...


It's 10 pm when Laurent arrives home. He walks down the hall to his bedroom where he changes out of his suit into a pair of thin sweats and a t-shirt. He walks over to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth before going to his bed to get under the covers, but sleep will take a while to consume him. As one can imagine, it's mind blowing to go from celebrating the beautiful engagement of his good friends to a gun in his face then making such a huge discovery and now all he can think of are his visions and his dream that he expressed to his mom. It then comes to him that while he has every intention to find Larry, he has to go to his parents home first thing in the morning to tell them about this...

~the next day~

Laurent got up early to get ready and arrived at his parents home at 8 am. He knows mom is already up because she always makes a big breakfast for she and her husband on Sunday mornings. When he walks in he smells the smell of baking which just from the aroma he knows that it's her famous made from scratch scones. He also smells bacon and while it's usually for her and Pop she'll happily make a plate for him since he's here. Pop isn't in his chair so he's likely still asleep. He walks in the kitchen and sees her at the stove so as to not alarm her he softly greets her. She turns in his direction, and while surprised, she's of course happy to see to him so they walk towards each other for a big hug and kiss...

Vera: *smile* "Hi sweetheart. I wasn't expecting to see you this morning".

Laurent: *smile* "I know. The food smells great as usual". 

Vera: *smile* "Thank you my love. It's almost ready so your father should be down here any minute now". *chuckles* "He always knows when the food is done".

Laurent: *chuckles* "I know. The party went well last night. Greg and Jalisa are engaged".

Vera: *smile* "That's wonderful. I'm happy for them".

Laurent: *smile* "Me too".

Vera goes back to the stove to finish up when she hears in a more serious tone...

Laurent: "Mom I really need to talk to you".

Vera: "Oki sweetie. Just let me take the last batch of this bacon out and I'm all ears".

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