"That's a good idea, but I would prefer to assist you tomorrow. You haven't been to the office in a long time, sir."

This man was relentless. "Yes, I know, but I only have one meeting with Elliot tomorrow. After that I have nothing scheduled for the day. So go ahead, I insist."

There was a long pause on the line. I stifled a smile and rubbed my brow.


"Great! Sleep in, have lunch in some nice restaurant and give your sister a call maybe. Do whatever. Goodnight, Parker."

I ended the call and returned my phone to my pocket. I pulled my front door open and froze midstep.

She looked gorgeous with the way her hair hung down her shoulders and her blue-grey eyes widened when they locked with mine. Understandable. The last place she was expecting me was in the apartment opposite hers.

There was a man in front of her door. It looked like he was picking her up on a date. The very idea of it made something stir in me, something that put me on edge and tested my ability to stay sanely calm. That thing roared to life when he turned around and a smirk formed on his lips. Out of all the people in the world, Dominic? My fists clenched on their own accord.

"What a surprise to see you here, Harris," he started. He paused and peered into the space behind me. "Are you here to see someone?"

"No, I live here."

Both looked surprised. Dominic's was unexpected.

"You're the one who moved in earlier?" She asked like it was the most absurd thing to possibly happen. I nodded, and she was going to say more when she quickly glanced at Dominic. It was like she had momentarily forgotten he was here and decided against it. That piqued my interest, the idea that there were things she wanted to say for my ears only. Or maybe I was getting ahead of myself.

"I would expect this place to be above your living standards, but, to each his own, I guess." Dominic said.

"Excuse me?" Amanda's head whipped to him and her delicate features shifted to something deadlier. I could never forget how fiery she could be, even directed at me.

Dominic went defensive in his posture and looked like being eaten up was the last thing he wanted. "No, not like that! You know what I mean! I'm not saying your place is bad!"

"You haven't even been inside!"

It took a gargantuan effort on my part to watch them go back and forth like I wasn't there as I shut my door and cleared my throat. "It's a nice apartment. I wouldn't be here if it was anything less. You did a nice job with your place, your room especially. If you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way. Have fun on your date."

I walked down the hallway and got into the elevator. When the doors slid shut, I leaned against the wall and brought a hand up to the place where my heart was beating frantically. Fuck, I was a mess. And the comment about her room... it was unplanned and came out in the heat of the moment. He hadn't been inside her house yet, and he needed to know that I had been in her room. He was granted the luxury of guessing what had happened there.

When I stepped outside the building, I popped my hoodie over my head and shoved my hands down my pocket, beginning my long walk to the park.


Eyes were on me as I walked past the front doors of the Harris central tower, with two bodyguards right behind me. Things felt different, and in the same sense, not really at all. The atmosphere still buzzed with activity and the sweet feeling of a thriving enterprise. The employees were dressed immaculately- as was the norm- and moved with razor like precision. I savoured the feeling- it felt good to be back, and the anxiety that had kept me up until three a.m. felt minute now.

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