Chapter 8 - All is fair in love and war

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Your eyes blinked heavily as you emerged from sleep. You tried to remember what had happened before you were knocked out, flinching as your hand instinctively went to the back of your head to feel a slight bump where you'd been hit.

Instead, you feel your hair had been let down from the braids it was originally in only to be replaced with a simple braid going from either side of your head and tied at the back. You recognised this style from seeing other brides back on Berk. Oh no.

Looking down at your clothes, you were in a simple white dress. Double oh no.

A knock from the door sounded, you quickly sprang to your feet in panic as it opened to reveal Savage.

"It's time, my lady." He said, holding out his hand to you as you stared at him in horror.

"For...for what?" You already knew what he meant, but you might as well try to buy as much time as you could.

"Your wedding, my lady." Savage repeated, the room spinning and swirling around you as you felt your breathing pick up before falling backwards and into a bright light.

You jolted awake, gasping for breath, and looking around in a panic. You were on a ship. More specifically, you were on Dagur's lap on a ship.

"You're awake! I would've woken you up sooner, but you looked so cute when you were dreaming!" Dagur purred. He was sat on a barrel by the side of the ship, one arm resting against it and the other holding you up.

You would've pushed yourself off him had it not been for your hands being tied up. No doubt he'd just grip them and pull you back into him if you tried that.

There was a rope tied up against the mast, which you realised your father must be sat down, tied to around the other side.

Dagur stroked your hair, twirling a certain strand of it that he was heavily debating cutting

off. You looked at this and then at Dagur. You tried to keep the blush down that you could feel coming, but to no avail. Dagur simple began laughing and his arm gripped you closer to him.

You could feel eyes on you. Ones that weren't Dagur's. Maybe one of his men was secretly managing to keep their eyes on you without the feral Chief noticing.

"Y/N! Are you alright!?" Stoick called to you, Berserkers glaring at him as well as Dagur when he spoke up.

"Yeah dad, I'm fine! Are you ok??" You answered, not fearing the dark look Dagur was growing as your attention was taken off him.

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm alright." Your father's voice was full of relief as Dagur picked you up, standing and setting you down on the barrel as he stalked over to Stoick.

"You want my boot in your mouth? Shut up and stay quiet until after the ceremony." He spat at your father, earning himself a cold glare from you as he walked back.

"What...what ceremony?" You asked, your glare not faltering for a second as you questioned him. He simply made sure your restraints were tight enough before holding both of your hands in his.

"Our wedding ceremony, my love!" He told you, gaze burning into yours as your expression turned from one of anger to one of shock. You couldn't find the words to answer him before he ranted on.

"I mean, you did turn 16 a few months ago, right?"

Oh Thor. In the midst of the fighting and everything going on, you'd forgotten that your simple little birthday celebration a few months ago had actually been your 16th.

"Of course Outcast Island isn't the most ideal place for it, but our fathers both promised that-"

"Dagur, I called that off! I know you received the letter-"

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