Chapter 18: Chuuya and Akutagawa's Next Conversation

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Chuuya left the room after having had a conversation with Kouyou about all the confusing feelings that still plagued him. He'd heard the same advice from Q, Kunikida, and Kouyou and they'd all suggested that Chuuya might like Akutagawa as more than a friend. He was wondering it himself, but he still wasn't sure. He did care about Akutagawa without a doubt, he just wasn't sure what he'd label it.

Whatever it was though, the whole Mori situation had been a wake-up call for Chuuya. He'd gotten shot and so had Akutagawa and Q. All three of them had been badly injured and if it weren't for Yosano, they might not have made it. The thought really scared Chuuya, and that was a big part of why he'd been so afraid to return to the Mafia. But he knew that things would be just as bad, if not worse, if he were to try and escape. Mori would without a doubt hunt him down. And aside from that, he couldn't just up and leave Akutagawa and Q. He couldn't pull a Dazai like that. So he'd made the terrifying decision to come back. And make no mistake, he would keep Akutagawa and Q safe no matter what. He had to. They were two of the most important people in his life and he didn't know what he'd do without them.

Meanwhile, Akutagawa was having some similar thoughts while he sat by Hirotsu, Gin, and Q. He'd been scared half to death when Chuuya had been shot, and he'd even worried that Chuuya was going to die. Heck, he still worried that something might happen to Chuuya even if things were relatively fine for now. He still wasn't exactly sure what to make of his attachment to Chuuya, but it was definitely there. And it was a high priority of his to make sure Chuuya knew how important he was to Akutagawa. He felt like he had to say it sooner rather than later in case something bad were to happen again. He wasn't sure how to say it, but he hoped he could say it right.

Chuuya walked over to Hirotsu, Gin, Akutagawa, and Q. "Hey, guys."

"Chuuya!" Q cheered.

"Hey, Chuuya," Akutagawa said, once again finding it hard to look his coworker in the eyes.

"About time you came back," Hirotsu commented.

Chuuya laughed. "Were they any trouble?" He glanced at Akutagawa and took note of the younger's expression.

Gin pouted. "Rude."

Q also pouted. "Chuuya, what sort of children do you take us for?"

Hirotsu laughed too. "No, they weren't any trouble." He began to walk away.

Chuuya kept laughing. "Thanks again for watching them, Hirotsu. Don't worry, guys. I know you're not trouble, I just had to ask."

"You're welcome," Hirotsu called back before disappearing from view.

"Hmmm...fair enough," Gin conceded.

"Hey, um...Akutagawa? Could I talk to you?" Chuuya asked out of the blue. He was shocked at his own sudden boldness, but he figured that all the advice he'd been given was finally starting to pay off.

"Erm...sure," Akutagawa replied awkwardly.

Gin and Q caught each other's eyes and smirked.

"Hey! Stop that right now, children!" Chuuya scolded.

"Stop what?" they asked in unison, pretending to be innocent.

"Nothing. Never mind," Chuuya answered.

Gin and Q snickered.

Chuuya was starting to get embarrassed.

Akutagawa noticed. "Sure, Chuuya. Let's go talk somewhere else. Alone." He side-eyed Gin and Q.

"Oooooooo," the two of them uttered.

"Stop that right this instant!" Chuuya commanded.

"Yeah, quit it!" Akutagawa added, embarrassed.

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