Chapter 8 Worrisome Behavior

Start from the beginning

Walking down the stairs you came close to the entrance. Just a little bit further and you'd be free, of this job at least, for the day.

"Oh! (Y/N)!" This voice was familiar. You turned around to see Vanessa waving towards you, a skip in her step as she came closer to you. You raised an eyebrow at her personality change. You've only seen her as the stoic, quite, serious Vanessa. The one approaching you was upbeat and all smiles.

"Hey V." You smiled at her turning fully towards her.
"I guess this is just a nightly ritual now, us talking like this."

You joked lightly. She laughed.

"I guess, I actually wanted to ask a favor!" Vanessa placed her hands on her hips with a hum. Something didn't feel right about her.


There that nagging voice was again urging you to be cautious. You can't argue with it something was off.

"Oh yeah sure, shoot." You shrugged a bit.

"I was wondering if on the days I have therapy you'd cover for me?" Vanessa swayed back and forth on her feet

Was she serious? This felt like a golden opportunity. Another chance to roam around after hours and find more documents. You needed to look into this rabbit, what ever you could find on her. The closer you are to finding her the closer you were to finding your missing person.

What if she is the white rabbit.

You brushed away the thought. You'll think more on it later.

"Yeah sure!" You hummed happily.
"Just as long as I don't work that day so I'm not exhausted during the night."

Vanessa smiled playing with the cuff of her uniform, she almost looked like a nervous kid while listening to you. Then she clapped her hands excited about your answer.

"No problem! Gee (Y/N) you're such a pal!" Vanessa laughed then she leaned forward.
"You're a real life saver. I'll see what I can do about getting you off for day shifts to switch over for me when I need it. Id never make a friend work that much."

The way she said friend chilled you. Like a psychopath taunting their victim. You just smiled nervously. She must be forcing her self to be this happy, but why? Is she okay?

"Vanessa are you feeling okay?" You dropped the smile.
"You know you can tell me anything right?"

Vanessa stared at you for a moment, something was running through her mind but you couldn't quite tell what she was thinking. Her grin came back after it had dropped and she swayed again.

"I'm fine! Thanks for worrying Henry!" She laughed, then gasped covering her mouth though it did nothing to hide her tremendous smile.
"Whoops! I mean (Y/N)! I'm so silly for calling you the wrong name!"

You furrowed your brow, Henry? Where have you heard that name before? It sounded familiar, you've definitely read it somewhere but you couldn't place it. It was a common name to be fair, but somehow this felt different. You had a sinking suspicion that it was more than just a common name.

"Well if you're sure." You glanced behind you towards the doors. People were leaving as the two of you talked, sliding open and close with each sentence said. You needed to remove yourself from the situation something is definitely up.
"I've gotta get going now though. Got a (F/P) to feed. You know how pets can be."

You laughed lightly in hopes of seeming relaxed. Vanessa nodded eagerly.

"I don't wanna keep you longer than I have to!" She waved dramatically. She's behaving like a child now.
"See ya round pal!"

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