Chapter 3 The Nightshift

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You groaned, rubbing your shoulder as it ached. Truthfully you're starting to regret taking the nightshift and working the morning shift back to back.

Tomorrow was now today, and now here you were standing in the cafeteria trying to work out the knots in your shoulder. This job is almost threatening to kill you before you find your missing person.

I should probably make my way towards the front.

You hummed in thought beginning the track back. Today was pretty normal. Your body was just sore from all the lifting you had been doing. All this running around felt like training for something bigger.

Passing the cardboard cutouts you almost ignored them like every other day. But one caught your eye today. You hesitated, looking back double taking.

Most of them were normal. Some were of Captain Foxy, some of Bonnie and Chica, some were the Halloween event props, but one almost felt like it was staring at you. You held your breath staring at the white pupils ahead.

It was that shadow Bonnie again. Staring at you from the corner, working his way out of a grave. You let your breathing become shaky, what was that doing there? You've never noticed it before. Hidden amongst the other cut outs almost like it never wanted to be seen, except by you in this moment. You wanted to walk towards it. (Why?!)

Over here...friend...

It's voice startled you. Your head turned around wildly looking for its source. It was coming from the cut out. You were shaking, unable to stop, but you found yourself beginning to walk towards it.

You drew closer and closer to the roped off area with the intention of ducking under the red rope to see the rabbit. What are you doing?

"(Y/N)!" You jumped, someone called your name bringing you back to reality. Hastily you turned to look behind you seeing your manager not too far away. They had their arms crossed seeming disappointed in you.
"I've been trying to reach you. Is your fazwatch broken?"

You turned to look fully at them, glancing at the watch on your wrist.

"It was acting up yesterday too." You sighed.
"Sorry I got distracted."

"You know I can always get someone else to cover for Vanessa," your manager came closer looking worried, "i don't want to exhaust my only floater. We need you during the day shift too."

You shook your head hastily. You can't give up this opportunity! You're just tired, Freddy was right you're stressed out. That had to be what was going on right now.

"I'll be fine. I'm happy to work." You smiled.

"Okay if you're sure." Your manger beckoned you to walk with them. You trailed just behind as they marched towards one of the many security offices.
"The night shift is different than the dayshift. Unlike day where we have multiple guards at one time, you're going to be the only human here after hours."

You nodded off to the side listening closely. You didn't like the idea of being the only one here, but maybe given the company's past no one wants to work nights. (Though they tried desperately to cover that up.)

"Your job as a night guard is to do some patrols. You will also have other duty's as making sure the glamrocks are in tip top shape. With no one in the building we normally have Vanessa do a quick scan on their systems. If there's any issues escort them to the charging stations and a mechanic will deal with the problem in the morning before we open." Your manager lifted their badge off their shirt scanning it against a button shaped like Freddy's silhouette.
"I'm going to give you a badge, hold on to it and don't loose it. It will give you clearance to roam around with out issues. If you don't have it you can't get into a security office."

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