Chapter 7 Reincarnated Friends

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Finally the end of the day had come around. Working these open to close shifts may be the thing that will kill you before any one else does.

You wiped down a few tables during cleaning duty happy to not be disturbed. Most people may find cleaning to be tedious, but for you in this moment it was nice. No one bothered you unless absolutely necessary, you could be alone with your thoughts.

Your like circled back to your conversation with Freddy after helping that little girl get back to her mother. The look he gave you as you left. He had something to say, but never had the chance to say it.

It was starting to bother you honestly, you've never seen him look like that before. But you can't think about it too much, you just can't. You leaned over to reach the end of the table with a huff.

"(Y/N)." Someone called your name, causing you to crane your neck up from where you were hunched over. Vanessa stood awkwardly off to the side. She looked better than she had this morning. But her eyes were sunken in still, clearly laced with the exhaustion she mentioned earlier today.

"Oh hey." You leaned back folding the rag you were using to clean, stuffing it in your front pocket. You offered her a smile.
"What's up V?"

You placed your hands on your hips watching as she clutched the strap to her bag. Vanessa shifted partially on her feet letting out a breath. She smiled tiredly at you.

"Need a hand?" She motioned out towards the table, which had a bottle of cleaner on it at the moment. You followed her hand before looking back amused.

"I think I can handle cleaning a few tables. But I won't refuse any help if you're up for it." You laughed a bit slowly moving back from the table. She wasn't just asking to help you knew better.
"Though I have a slight hunch you're here for something else."

You crossed your arms watching as Vanessa picked up a piece of trash off the floor, tossing it into the nearby trash. She wiped her hands clean avoiding your gaze.

"I guess you could say that." Finally she looked up pushing the flap of her cap up so you could see her eyes better.
"I'm..not really good at this, but I came over to say you know thanks."

"Thanks?" You echoed her words back loosening your crossed arms.
"For what?"

"For you know," Vanessa let out a breath slouching, "covering for me and trying to make sure I was okay this morning."

You dropped your arms, she sounded so venerable at the moment. She really must be having a hard time right now, therapy must be new for her then. You smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"You know you don't really need to thank me." You took a cautious step forward taking her hands in yours. She gazed at you confused at the gesture.
"We're friends right? You'd do the same for me. You don't have to say thank you for someone caring about you."

Vanessa stared at you for a moment then a slight smile appeared on her face. She looked away towards the floor unable to maintain your gaze.

"I guess. I'm just not used to people helping me out. It's nice though." Vanessa slowly looked back at you feeling you taking your hands away.
"You know I'm not that popular amongst our coworkers."

You frowned a bit. You knew everyone had something to say about Vanessa. Some said she was fine, she worked that was all that mattered. Others complained. Wondered how she got the night guard position when she had talents elsewhere and no experience in security. Then the glamrocks didn't have many good things to say either.

"She wasn't at the beginning." Freddy's words rang in your mind from that night.
"She is a rule follower, anyone who disobeyed would be put in their rooms for "time out" as she put it at first. Lately how ever she had been more aggressive. She has threatened to dismantle us if we act out. I do not think she is bad though. I think she is a confused individual who is struggling."

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