Soon it was his turn

"Oi half'nhalf wake up its your turn to introduce yourself" who he recognised as Katsuki balugo said to him.

Shoto apologised and stood up, all eyes were on him he began to get nervous.

"Hello, I'm shoto todoroki, my quirk is half hot and half cold....I can produce ice on my right side and fire in my left side" just as he was about to sit down

"You're endeavours son" who he remembered as izuku midorya pointed out

"" that question caught him off gaurd

"So cool" the green haired boy said

Aizawa was shocked....his son was in his class, he wanted to go over and hug the boy but he'd have to wait untill after class, he has to tell hizashi and hitoshi.

Once todoroki sat down, momo introduced herself. Once she finished the bell rang

"Class dismissed, meet here later then we will go the feald and start our work" the class nodded, grabbed a few minutes and then left.

Once they were all out aizawa shut the door and started to cry.

His son was here.

His son was safe.

Aizawas thoughts were interupted by his door opening, he saw hizashi amd hitoshi

"Shota what's wrong?" Hizashi questioned as he walked over to his husband

"Hes here....hizashi he's in my class" shota smiled

"Who?" Hizashi asked


Hizashi and hitoshi gasped and started to cry.

"Is he ok? Did he look ok?" Hizashi and hitoshi asked

"Well he looked tired and skinny but that's expected when you grow up"

"Anything else?"

"His scar was on show"

"Which one?"

"His eye scar"

"We have to get him back, I want my brother back" hitoshi cried

"We can't bombard him toshi, we have to wait a while"

Meanwhile in the canteen, ehoto sat alone and tried ti remember where he's seen his teacher from.

"Hey todobroki was it?" Shoto looked up amd saw the green haired boy, blue haired boy and the brunett girl in his class

"Hello?" He dident mean to sound confused

"Mind if we sit with you?" The brunette asked

"Go ahead" shoto responded plainly

"So do you remember out names?" The blue haired boy asked

"Yes, your tenya iida" he pointed to the blue haired teen, "you are izuku midorya" the pointed the the curly haired green teen, and finally he pointed to the brunette girl "and you are Ochako uraraka"

"See he dose know who we are" urarak squealed.

"How are you todoroki?" Midorya asked

"I'm ok midorya, just wondering"


"Our teacher, I feel like I've seen him before some goes to you" shoto says as he pointed at iida "and kaminari" shoto listed off

"Well you probably have seen Mr aizawa on the tv, I dont know where you would of seen iida and kaminari from" Uraraka said causing shoto to nod.

The bell then rang and they went to class.

Ar the end of the day, shoto was told by aizawa to stay after class. So once the majority of the class had left (only iida and kami were still in the room)

A man with long blond haired followed by a purple haired teem walked in.

"Todoroki do you know why you are here?" Aizawa asked

"Did I do something wrong in class?" Shoto feared he dident want to be kicked out on his first day, that would be embarrassing and he surly would be killed by his father

"No, not at all" aizawa stated

"Shoto, can you remember your past"

"Only a bit, sir"

"Please tell us" this time kami spoke up

"Well I remember waking up in a room. And my father was there, I think he said I was hit on the head, I dont really remember" shoto said he felt all eyes on him

Hitoshi then moved forward

"Do you remember me?" Hitoshi asked clenching his fists hoping his little brother remembered him

It took shoto awhile to answer

"No, I apologise, I feel like I should know you all but I just don't, please forgive me" shoto stood up amd bowed slightly

Hizashinplaced a hand on hitoshis shoulder

"Its fine kid" everyone looked at aizawa "you may go home. But don't speak about this to anyone" shoto nodded, collected his stuff, said his fairwells and left.

"Its fine kid" everyone looked and saw an irrated hitoshi


"How could you say that to him, he was there we could of taken him home. Or you could of asked more questions but you let him go that easily?!"

"Toshi calm down, if he dosent remember us we can't force him to" hizashi said

"No you don't get it do you. I've known shoto longer then all of you, I know he would never forget me that easily. Befoer you adopted us he was the only thing close to a real family I had" hitoshi his tears threatening to fall down his face at any moment now. "You wouldn't get it though, because all your biological family are alive and well. I know something happe.d to my brother and I plan to get to the bottom of it weather you are with me or not" and wotu that hitoshi ran off.

Its understandable why he's angry.

Shota stood there with regret and guilt all over his face.

"Dont worry Mr aizawa, we will get shoto back" kaminari reassured his teacher

"Oh I know we will, if its the last thing I do"

Shoto sighed as he looked out the car window.

He then closed his eyes and his mind drifted off.

"Why are you crying?" A shadow figure that looked and sounded like a small boy asked

"I....I miss my mama, I want to be with her" a small shoto stutterd

"I miss my mum too, my names */=#! #*/£<&" the boy spoke but shoto couldn't understand what he said

"I'm shoto todoroki"

"Want to be my friend"

"I dont know, I dont know you or anyone. I just want to go home to my mama"

Just then shoto was shaken awake by his fathers Servant.

"Sir your father wishes to see you in his study" shoto nodded and got out of the car.

'What was that about'

He thought to himself as he made his way to his fathers study.

Once hitoshi made it home he went straight to hims room and locked the door.

He was angry at his papa for letting shoto go when he was just with in grasp of bringing home.

Hotoshi looks at an old picture of him and shoto.

They were both smiling like idiots as they hugged eachother, they were both dressed as cats (it was Halloween)

Hitoshi smiles a little and hugged the picture

"I love you shoto, I promise to get you back"

the mismatched familyWhere stories live. Discover now