Judith and Jane

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"That was so unnecessarily vacuous. What a waste."

Other events have taken place throughout the adventure of eating tasty treats. Her foot has grown back. She witnessed her ankle and heel and toes melt into place from her body's bones. They became wrapped in a sinewy flesh and gore around the shape of an osteal stocking, perhaps hung as if by a chimney with care. A present received from a deceased revenant. When this happened, Judith whispered a "thank you" along with a "fuck you" to whoever the revenant may have been. There's been so many...

Her self proclaimed "fine little ass" has healed itself as well. She watched the muscle and skin grow and stitch back into her tush.

Judith also has all of her fingers again. Feels like the Strawman having been re-stuffed after all the flying monkeys had their wicked way. She hums to herself, "if I only had a brain."

Licks her lips.

Every so often, a ticker or a thinker rejuvenates her or does something wonderful to her physicality. Her senses have improved and she can feel a harder strength within herself. Bulging veins. Stern muscle.

Judith takes a tiny break from gorging on slaughtered revenant. Swims to the soft tree. Arms bear hug the spongy flora. Wants to test her strength. Lifts. Pulls it out of the ground by the trunk, almost breaks it in half with her hug. The roots suck un-suction out of the muck. Lifts the dead tree over her head and throws it as hard as she can into the murk liquid sky above. Quickly becomes an unnoticeable object in the vast distance. Judith breaths on her fingernails. Rubs them against her chest. Makes an extinguishing sound. Ptssss.

"I would give that Terra monster a good licking now. But it's not that pretty little monster whom I want to throttle. I have my hopes set on finding that bone saw motherfucker."

Judith sniffs the air of the sea. There're tasty treats everywhere and not merely within her vicinity. She catches a whiff far above and far below. There're also more revenants in the distance of this underwater realm. This existence seems spread out over many different levels. Something exists below this place and something exists below that. But it's not as simple as the idea of a structure with height. Each bottom seems to have an above or another below just beyond its borderline. A six foot deep grave can turn into a completely different, upside down six foot grave. Every path can be a Möbius strip. A ceiling can be the bottom and the bottom can be the top and they can also be the same world within the same world. Judith can hear and feel these things as they whisper their vibrational and molecular secrets into her Kantian internal. She realizes this place is a labyrinth within a labyrinth within a labyrinth and so on.

"This world is a warren with no exit like my mind is a maze without any place to escape from because there's nowhere to escape to. Every bread crumb leads me to another harridan witch. So it seems that, before every tasty treat, I'm truly a ghost waiting to be a ghost."

Judith decides to go for a short swim back to the gothic church and the backyard cemetery. She's hankering to eat the first monster whom she witnessed today. The one that set the horde in motion. The one who's eyes Judith peered into and found deep holes of the deepening whole of gravity.

As the graveyard girl swims high above the gore cloud sever pieces of Terra, thinks of the topless Jane who ripped her vision's head off in what seemed like the dark forest above the underground. Was that really Jane or was it just Jane's body? Jane's body is Jane, though. We're nothing without bodies. And what is nothing? Really, what is nothing? Maybe the word is just an idiom of something. But of course Judith knows all about being nothing. Her thoughts pivot and pivot.

"I know full well that the bone saw man was controlling her in that hallucination. I'm convinced. I think he may be the desk drawer skeleton key to the curtain of this world. I need to catch more of his particular mint mangle scent to truly distinguish that closet creature from all the other mothballers around here. Though, I do need to eat the right revenant to get that kind of haunting vision. I'll find that damn man again. I feel a strong inclination to terrify the ghost out of him, like I did the people of my old dusty graveyard. The bone saw man will fear me. It's a simple fact."

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