Chapter 2 pt 6

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Rays of sunlight begin to hit my eyes, awaking me from my deep slumber. I stretch my arms and rub my tired eyes. I looked down to see a blanket over me and looked to my side, Aloin was gone. "Oh fuck!" I yelled as I jolted out from where I was sitting and rushed out. "How long have I been asleep?! Oh no Èlènora's gonna kill me!" Worry fills my entire body, if I don't get home soon we could lose our spot again! I ran to the barn but already found the barn door opened. Our family border collie, Jackie saw me and started barking as she came up to me. "Shhh, Jackie you're gonna get me in trouble!" I whisper. She continues to jump on me, licking my face. "Jackie stop haha" I can't help but giggle at Jackie's cute actions. Clayton then comes out of the barn to see what the commotion was.

Jackie! What's with all the- Gabriel! Finally, you're awake. Come on and help us pack up." He then drags me into the barn, but I'm more scared of what Èlènora will say to me.

"He's here!" Clayton shouts out, the little ones then come running towards me giving me a big hug.

"Big brother's awake!" Bou yells.

"What took you so long?" Antonie asks, puffing his cheeks.

"Baba~!" Belle babbles while tugging on my shorts

"Ah, I'm sorry big brother was really tired."

"Heeey I'm your big brother too," Clayton says pouting

"We like big brother Gabey better!"

"Yeaaah!" Clayton's face drops.

"Huhh?" He says, now depressed.

"Today I'm pulling the baby wagon." Clayton sternly says to me as if he's about to cry. Èlènora then comes up to me, I'm more terrified than I was when I thought I was about to die in the woods. She gave me an angry look and walked off.

"Get the cart ready." She said before walking off.

We rush to get everything ready for today's sales at the marketplace. Èlènoraand I fill the cart, Clayton gets the children their wagon and we set off. As we walk down the road I'm suffering under the tension between me and Èlènora. I wanna say but my words get caught in my throat.



"I want you to know I'm not angry with you. I get that something is bothering you, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But that's no reason to sneak out."
"You- but I-"

"I saw you weren't in your room this morning and your open window. I told the others you were still sleeping. But you should know how much these sales are to Mother and Father, how important it is for the family. If sales go down we could lose the farm. And not only that, you had me worried sick. I assumed you went out for some air but who knows what could've happened to you."

"I'm sorry Èlè," I said feeling guilty. Èlènora sighs,

"It's okay Gabe, but please take this more seriously please? For me?"

"I promise." Èlènora smiles.

"What did you do all night anyways?"

"You know me, just doing a bit of reading."

" You and that tree," Èlènora says rolling her eyes and giggling

"Ha, yeah," I said looking down.

We got to the marketplace without any problems and began to set up shop all before the Fredricks showed up. They passed us by, Allura glaring at us while Clayton and the little ones teased them. Little Magnonne and Ciel Fredrick were sticking out their tongues while riding in the cart Aloin was pushing. I felt confused yet angry when I saw him. Did he leave me there so I'd be late and get in trouble? I should've known he couldn't be trusted. He glanced over at me. My heart began to skip a beat, but I wasn't gonna let him get to me this time. I ignored him and continued to put the fruit on display.

Business was doing wonderfully, lots of people came and bought baskets full. We made more than we ever had and we were gonna make Mother and Father very proud. But I still felt bad about how I worried Èlènora. I wanna do something nice for her, But I have to get away first. And convincing Èlènora is definitely gonna be difficult.

"Hey Èlènora, I forgot I had a few side errands Mother wanted me to do before we came home." Èlènora looks at me with a confused expression.

"Mother asked you to run some errands after you snuck back home this morning and didn't disclose this information with me?" A bead of sweat slides down my back. Èlènora was smart, way too smart.

"Uh y-yeah I went into the house saying I had to use the bathroom before we left, a-and told me to run a quick errand while I was out." She raises her eyebrow.

"A-and to never miss breakfast with the family again," I added. After what felt like hours of staring she finally let out a sigh.

"Fine. But make it quick."

"I will," I say while walking off. Thank goodness she let me go. It felt like she was staring into my soul. I start to run to start my gift for Èlènora. I saw Fredrick's stand on my way and all I could think about was Aloin. I thought we were getting along so well, I can't believe I thought we could even be-. My thoughts were interrupted when I fell and hit the concrete ground.

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