Chapter 1 pt 2

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 I open my eyes again as we reach the top of a hill. We stop for a moment to take in the smell of freshly baked bread from the bakery as we look along the small busy town of Paris, France. What a marvelous sight.

We're interrupted by the sound of another creaking cart behind us. As we jolted to see behind us we saw what it was. 

"Shit! It's them!" Clayton shouts 

"Come on we have to hurry!" Èlènora and Clayton grab the cart and start rolling it down the hill. I see a group of red-headed children rolling a cart full of produce towards us, "The Fredricks." I say as I hurry and run the wagon down the hill along with Èlènora and Clayton, telling the little ones in the wagon to hold on tight.

"Montebellos!!" a distant voice shouted

"Hurry Clayton! We need to reach the town before that tramp does!"

"Don't you think I'm trying! This cart is heavy"

"Less talking, more running!" I shout

"You won't take our spot Èlènora!!"

"See you in town Allura!" Èlènora shouts mockingly. Allura Fredrick and Èlènora have been at each other's throats since birth. They're bigger enemies than our parents. They were always jealous of each other, competing to be better than the other time and time again. But their hatred blossomed when they fell in love with the same guy, Julien Dubois. The baker's son and delivery boy. Èlènora would wait for him by the window every time mother and father were expecting a delivery just to see his "mocha brown skin glisten in the sunlight just to dream about touching his soft coiled hair", (as she'd describe it) but so would Allura which made their rivalry grow. Èlènora has always been exceptionally beautiful and had no problem attracting men, but she just couldn't get to Julian.

"There it is! Let's hurr-" *THUMP* a loud thud hits our cart.

"HEY!" Èlènora shouts.

"You won't get away with this Montebello!" Allura roars to my sister. They're staring daggers into their eyes. I look over to my right as my eyes are met with the one helping Allura push their cart. His curly orange locks bounce with each step he takes, his serious face focused on the path ahead. His concentration soon breaks and locks his eyes with mine. Time seems to stop. Those eyes. He has those beautiful emerald eyes. The second born of the Fredrick family, Aloin Fredrick. I never really got a full sight of his face. His tan skin drenched in sweat, his freckles, each dot carefully placed across his face. My heart starts to skip a beat, it feels like we have been staring at each other for hours. He soon begins to extend his index finger, placing it under his eye, pulling down his lower eyelid, and sticking out his tongue. "What the hell?" I scoff to myself, "What a prick." I thought to myself. I stick my tongue out back at him and begin to run faster. I'm not losing this spot to an asshole like him.

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