Prologue 2

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"Ok, Hazel? I'm gonna remove the bandage on your head now, you ready?" Louis asked the girl sitting infrotn of her as a load of bondage was wrapped around her head to hide her face. She gave Louis a thumbs up and sit straight. "Ok then." Louis removed the bondage in her head and threw it at the garbage can. He brought a mirror to her and waited for her comment.

"Oh my god! Is this really me?" She examined her face at the mirror as she moved her neck to get a good view at it. "Definitely, yes." Louis smiled as he stood up and grabbed his clipboard by his desk. "Doc. You are a professional!" Louis chuckled slightly and answered. "If I was not professional, I wouldn't have that piece of paper framed up at the wall there." He smiled at her.

"Well spoken." She answered as she still admires the art Louis has painted in her new facial look. Louis' job was a surgeon, not that special but others prefer it to be 'special' because they say he works like magic. "I heard you had the best anniversary greeting yet!" She yelled and asked in excitement. "So.... how did it go?" Her chin rested in her hand as it rests on her leg. She looked at Louis waiting for his reply while Louis was still scribling on his clipboard. "It was... how do you say.... unusually great."

"Oh come on! The details are free for me to hear right?" She asked then her phone suddenly rang. She answered it and talked for a while, Sure, Louis thought it was unusually great since the unusual part included the almost heart attack and the great is the after that, which Louis will keep it a secret (if ya know what I mean)

"Hey Doc, my friends are hosting a party at a club tonight, why don't you and your husband come?" Party? At a club? Two things Louis would kill to go since it was a stressfull day with all the patients already but then again, Dan wouldn't want to go. He hates drinking and dancing. "I'll call you if we'll come." She clapped her hands and waved a goodbye to Louis. "I better call the next patient already."
"Hey Dan." He mumbled in his phone while the other hand is holding on the steering wheel. He was going to eat for lunch and Dan is still working on the site. Dan was an engineer so that would explain it. "Hey love! How's your day?" He asked, shouting because the workers are making alot of noise. Dan has to cover his other ear to hear Louis. "It went great. Wish you are here with me to eat for lunch." He said. They don't eat lunch together because of the schedules. They tried once but it didn't work out okay.

"I wish though, but you know..." Dan said frowning because they spoke of this before. They don't even see each other in the morning, only at night. And sometimes, Louis would go home very late because of all the paper work, coming home with Dan drooling on the kitche table waiting for his lover to arrive.

"I have to call you back. See you tonight love." Dan shouted once more and both bid their goodbye's. Louis drove through town and parked his car by the restaurant. It was very special because this is were Dan and Louis went to their first ever date together. Since then, Louis would come and eat there if he ahs the time.

The waitress directed where Louis will be sitting handing out the menu and getting his order. "I will have..." His phone rang and saw the caller, it was Dan. "Wait a minute please... Hello?"
"Clear!" The nurses shouted as the object made contact with Dan's chest, trying to revive him back to life. Louis is waiting outside. One of his co-workers called and said that Dan was crushed from the metal bars that were being lifted from the building they were working on.

He wants to blame it all on the one who did it. The one who was not 'carefully' lifting the metal bars. But Dan doesn't want Louis to be angry, even worst, Louis blames it all to himself even if he did nothing. He should have told him to be careful. He should have told him to find a more better job because applying to be an engineer is dangerous sometimes. But it was Dan's dream. He wants to help people and do those the building they were making? Was suppose to be a new hospital because this one was too far away for other people from other places.

The doctor came out, removing the mask covering half his face and the gloves attached to his hands. He sighed deeply as Louis came to him asking questions. "Doc? Is he gonna be okay? Is Dan going to live? DOC TELL ME!!" Louis gripped on his coat and shaked him with his might. "Please, Mr. Tomlinson, calm down first." The doctor removed Louis' hands from his coat gently.

"I'm sorry but he didnt make it." He said with a straight face. Louis was shocked. He ran inside the room and looked at the white clothe covering Dan's body. "Dan? Dan wake up." He went closer and uncovered half of the sheet. "Dan? Come on stop playing with me." He laughed, a short one, as his eyes started to water while gazing at the lifeless body. "Dan! I know you're playing with me! This is not funny anymore!" He frowned as the tears started to stream down his face.

His hand trembled as he touched Dan's face ever so gently like he was about to shatter. "DAN! DAN WAKE UP!!" He screamed as nurses tried to stop his body from raging. He screamed and screamed and screamed. He didn't care. He was at the peak of his sadness level.

This was Dan. The Dan who never feared of death, now, has already faced it and lost. Louis didn't thought that everything would drop in an instant. Everything went smoothly the past few months and now, it was like a meteor suddenly crashed into his world, his Dan, who left the world where Louis was still living in.
A/N: So this is prologue 2 and the next one will be the start (the real start) of the story :)

How was it? Was it okay? How about you tell me by the comments so you could let me know.

Vote as well because it would be awesome like unicorns bouncing on a rainbor trampolin.

Bye guys! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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