Prologue 1

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"I'm home." Louis' voice rang inside the house. He waits for a certain person to arrive and hug him to bits or kiss his lips with passion but it didn't happen. It was a special day, it was their 2nd anniversary as a married couple and the person he wants to celebrate it with is not here. He felt a sudden emotion.

Maybe he just forgot about it, he thought. But this is Dan we're talking about. He never forgets a special day especially if it includes something special between the both of them. He made his way across the living room and into the kitchen, resting his bag on the kitchen table and grabbing a glass of water to hydrate himself. He tapped his fingers on the table impatiently and waited for the curly boy to arrive. It's now 10:30 in the evening, no sign of Dan anywhere. Where could he be.

The telephone rang and caught Louis' attention. He quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Dr. Tomlinson?" A woman's voice was heard from the other end of the line. "Speaking, who is this?" He answered, unsure who he was talking to and getting nervous to what was it about.

"It's about your husband."
Louis drove, passing by cars, shops and houses. Dan. He's in the hospital. He got caught up with a car accident. The woman explained to him that he might not make it alive and he better go see him quickly before it's too late. Of course he would do that. What kind of a husband doesn't when your love one is on the edge of the cliff, hanging onto life. He felt afraid and worried even more. He doesn't want to be alone again.

He arrived at the hospital Dan was in. He parked his car and quickly barged through the door looking for a nurse. "Excuse me, what room is Dan Waters in?" He asked the nurse who was typing non-stop on the computer, chewing and blowing on a piece of gum in her mouth. She looked at him lazily then back to the computer screen. This is why Louis hates the nurses here, they don't give a shit.

"Room 56." She said as she went back on typing. Louis didn't thank her anymore because he was in a hurry. He looked for the number 56 on the room signs and at last! He finally saw it with his own eyes. He ran to it then stopped immediately. He opened the door slowly, trying to avoid making any sounds. He peeks his head in and looked at the body who was lying on the bed. His eyes started to water as Dan's body was covered in strips of clothe to stop the blood from coming out. His left leg got a fracture, seeing that there's a blue cast around it and was being lift.

The beeps on the monitor were normal. They weren't fast nor slow, they are just in the right speed. "Dan?" Louis mumbled as he covered his mouth because of shock. Dan blinked his green eyes and tried to make them stay open. "Hi love." His voice was broken and deep, not the ones Louis used to love about hearing early morning and late at night. Louis couldn't handle it. He just froze on his place and looked at him.

"Love... please... come near me." Dan said in a low voice. Louis walked slowly and sat by the chair next to the bed, holding on Dan's hand ever so tightly. "Not too tight love, I already got a broken leg already." Dan chuckled lightly then smiled at him. Louis tried to force one but it came out a failure. His tears won't stop from falling. They keep on going and going and he has no plan on wiping them. "What were you thinking Dan. You put your life in danger and now, you're this close on having a pair of wings and a halo above your head." He bit his botton lip. "I'm sorry. I was not careful. I got really excited for our 2nd anniversary."

He didn't forgot about it. Even more, he got so excited that he didn't care about his own safety anymore. He's an idiot for Louis but that's why Louis loves him so much. The monitor started to beep fast. Louis was alarmed and suddenly got up from his chair. He panicked and tried to stay calm. "WHERE'S THE DOCTOR!! I NEED TO CALL ONE NOW!!" He exclaimed. He was about to go when Dan's hand got a hold of Louis' shirt. "Don't Louis."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DON'T?!" He said as he screamed for help inside the room. The hand that tugged on his shirt has now lost his life. The fast beeping sound turned into a long one. He looked at the lifeless body on the bed and started to cry louder and louder, not caring if he could wake up the entire hospital.

Suddenly, doctors and nurses cam inside with red and white bouquet of roses. A cake made into a heart shape and balloons of different sizes. He got confused and stopped crying. What the hell is happening in this place he thought. They all looked so happy which is really really odd. Something's up.

"Happy Anniversary Louis!" Dan sprung into Louis and hugged him tightly with his arms. Louis was iced. Frozen. He was like caught in a trauma or something. "Louis? Lou? Love?" Dan asked. He expected a 'crying with happy tears' Louis but he received an 'angry at you right now' Louis.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DAN?! THIS IS NOT SOMETHING I'M HAPPY ABOUT RIGHT NOW!!" Louis shouted at Dan as he was so furious to what the curly haired boy had done. Louis quickly stormed out of the hospital and into his car, ready to drive home. But Dan runs behind him, catching up. "Louis wait! Let me explain."

"EXPLAIN?!" Louis looked at his back, staring into Dan's gorgeous green eyes. "EXPLAIN THAT YOU HAD TO PRETEND YOU WERE ALMOST DYING AMD YOU HAD ME CRY MY FUCKING EYEBALLS OUT?!" He shouted at him. Good thing it was night time and people are not around or they'll make a scene. "I'm sorry. It's just..... I got carried away at the plan." Dan rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. Louis knew that Dan would do this.

He remembered one time Dan fell off a building but quickly glides through the air just to propose to him. He was not the normal guy he is. He is a daredevil. Someone who is not afraid of death itself, but he sure is afraid if Louis being upset. "You almost got me a heartattack, you made me cry so hard I almost ran out of tears, you made me scream inside a fucking hospital at night time..... I can't believe you."

Dan frowned at Louis' statement to him. He regretted even doing that. Why would he even do that? "But even if you did..... You still manage to keep me smiling no matter what." Dan started to lit up. His eyes widened and stared at Louis' gorgeous blue ones. A smile crept in Dan's face as he charged right at him, he lifted him into the air and kissed his lips with full passion. "Happy Anniversary Louis!" He shouted with joy. Louis laughed and answered. "Happy Anniversary Dan!"


6 months have passed and everything went smoothly. They were surely ups and downs but they got a hang of it and dealt it together. In every ups, they were there to laugh and smile at each other, be with together and make love to each other. But in every downs, they were both in pain and in stressful moments. They know that they could keep their relationship going if they have together, and they believed in that.

But they didnt know that one of them is gonna end their beloved relationship.
A/N: Just so we are clear here, Dan looks EXACTLY like Harry and Harry here has a different facial structure okay? Picture Dan as Harry and picture Harry as another person.

I got well.... I just wanted to post this because I just watched Transcendence and I don't know why I came up with this. My mind is weird.

If you have any reactions or typo corrections or grammar corrections or ANYTHING to say comment if you want to. Everyone is entitled with their own opinion and this author wants to know if this is okay for a prologue or not.

Make sure to leave a vote because that would so much mean to me and maybe add this to your library and *cough* tell it to your friends who are larry shippers or who wants to read *cough*

That's all! Bye guys :)

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