Chapter 65 : Love Made Me Crazy

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For the first time, Natalie wants to be selfish at this moment. She waves a motion by snapping her fingers, stopping the time except for Medea. Duchess Valimos, who stares with sorrow in her eyes, suddenly snaps out of her laser focus when she notices people don't even move an inch.

Her smile vanishes into thin air as she looks around at the people.

"Aurora," she mumbles under her breath.

That's when she hears the heels click on the ground when the golden hair melts through under the sunlight. Her ruby eyes slightly darken when she meets the amethyst eyes, packed with fiery. The Duchess of Light couldn't help her heart to stop it, wanting to converse with Medea.

"I know your priority is power right now and not love. I will be happy whenever you are, but if you show that face, faking it with no hint of happiness, I will burn the whole Empire to make you feel happy. So be cheerful, my lady. I will show you a trick I learned from you," the ruby eyes flashed with some hint of evilness in her mind, kissing Medea's hand.

"And yeah, my apologies in advance for defying you. Let me be selfish for this time," she lets out a soft smile that is only for Medea.

Before Medea could even react, the time was going again as usual, where people started to become before again. The Pope comes to express her gratitude for it when suddenly the stage burns in a fire, which spreads through the curtain and rapidly to the red carpet. In a second, the accessories burn down at the scene, where Natalie comes to the rescue, yelling at the Imperial Knights to take the Emperor.

"Knights! Protect His Majesty!" she yells, leaving the old man at the Imperial Knights.

All of them react fastly at the time, wasting no time taking steps or running away from the engagement event. Then, finally, the Duchess of Light runs toward the couple, who have already stepped away from the stage. Eryx guides them and goes into action, as his earlier hunch is correct.

That moment clicks in Medea's mind.

"What the hell are you doing, Aurora!"

In her acting mode, Natalie goes to Ares' side, guiding Medea and him to another secure place. Her hand unconsciously touch Medea's waist at the moment, not wanting to hurt her in any way while the other puts on Ares' back.

"Stay here. I will take care of all of it," Natalie said in a hurry, wiping her right hand, which just touched Ares subconsciously against her thigh.

"No, I--" Ares is about to object, but the Duchess of Light is fierce in a fire.

"No! What if it's an attack on the Imperial Family? We can't risk it with Your Highness and Lady Medea here!"

"Knights, prepare the hose for the water to wipe out the fire! The other guide the Imperial Family at an instant!" she yells again as she goes there while running in heels.

"Yes, my Lady!" they go into a formation, where some go to the fire, preparing the hose, while the other stay on guard with the Imperial.

Out of the corner of her eyes, a kid shrieks in fear while everyone else leaves him behind. In an emergency situation, the only thing people can think of is to save themselves as a reflex. Behind her, the burned wood is about to fall off. If that fall on the kid--

"No, no, no," she repeats in her mind as her body moves instinctively to run to the kid and save him in time before the wood fall on them.

"Are you alright?" the ruby eyes look at the kid who is cowering in fear, hugging her legs. He seems small like that.

"Hey, it's alright. You are safe with me," she said, trying to calm the kids.

Her thought echoes the night when she and Medea are at Harren's house, where the woman calms her with that word.

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