Children shouldnt play with dead things

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(the episode starts the same as cannon in s2e4 up until Dean talks to Angela's roommate.)

"So who are you?" A voice said startling Dean. "I mean who are you really, cause from what i knew of Angela she never had a cousin named Alan?"

Dean turns around to see a young teenager nowhere near college age. "What are you talking about kid? I am Angela's cousin." The kid looked to be around 15/16 with black hair and green highlights, dull green eyes with a backpack, guitar case, and ratty clothes.

"Don't bullshit me asshole, Angela was my friend and i knew her family even extended family so don't bullshit a bullshitter." The kid said with a stern voice.

"Kid you look homeless how do i know you aren't spinning a yarn?" Dean asked a little hostile.

"Don't get your panties in a twist i'm just saying i know a liar when i see one even a good one like yourself." The kid said hopping down from the wall he was sitting on and grabbing his guitar case. "Well 'Alan' if that's even your real name if you wanna know more come find me i'll be around." The kid said walking away.

"Fucking brat." Dean muttered under his breath getting into his car.

(Time skip to Dean and Sam having their argument in the motel room)

"Talk to any of her friends?" Sam asks.

"You kidding me I have her bestest friend in the whole wide world." Dean replies smugly as he throws the diary at Sam. "Oh also there was this homeless looking kid that kept calling my bluff said he knew Angela and if we had any questions find him." Dean said adding another lead.

"Kay let's talk to the people mentioned in the diary first and if nothing we'll find him." Sam says skeptically.

(Time skip to after talking to Angela's friend)

"So if Angela got her revenge on Matt, you think it's over?" Sam asked.

"Jesus Soldier Boy wannabe now your talking about ghosts and spirits, like i get quirks being out of the ordinary but now you're talking about ghosts?" A familiar voice asks amused.

A/N The U.S.A. is a quirk free country and the only one left on the planet meaning it's basically isolated from the rest of the world which is why Izuku hitched a ride on a cargo ship heading to Canada and snuck into the US but i'll get more into his back story as the series progresses.

"CHRIST! Kid stop popping up out of nowhere!" Dean yells at the kid.

"Dean is this the kid you mentioned?" Sam asked on guard.

"Yeah this little shits the one who saw through me at Angela's old place." Dean says a little pissed off.

"Anyways kid who are you?" Sam asks with a tone of authority.

"Your dead mom." Izuku said with a smirk and started sprinting away.

"LITTLE BASTARD GET BACK HERE!" Dean yelled at the kid watching him run but noticing he doesn't have his stuff with him.

"Dean let it go he's just a kid." Sam says trying to get Dean to get in the car.

"Fine but when i find that punk i'm beating his ass!" he shouts getting in the car and slamming the door.

"Who are you?" Sam asks looking in the direction the kid ran and getting back in the car.

(Time skip to Sam asking if he gonna lose Dean too)

"Jesus and i thought my family was fucked up." The now familiar voice says. Dean turns to look at the green haired kid and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "Who the fuck are you kid? I'm getting sick of your fucking games!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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