10: Beach Day And Old Enemies

Start from the beginning

"Bye, Mini D." I heard Leo groan before he hung up.

"Dad!" I yelled.


I knew how much dad despised driving to the beach. It wasn't the long trip, he actually enjoyed that, no, it was the sand that would come back with him. Knowing this, I may or may have not accidentally kicked sand at his shoes.

Being at the beach definitely brought back memories though. Some good and some not so good. Hopefully I could create better ones here with Tasha. I'm only saying Tasha because Mr. Davenport and the others weren't here. They were in the RV doing who knows what.

"No way."

"Yes way, my mom kicked that robot thing—"

"Exoskeleton." I corrected her.

She playfully glared at me, "The exoskeleton and she saved Leo."

I heard rustling behind me and I peeked over my shoulder. I got up from the chair that was next to Tasha, and moved to the towel on the ground, when I noticed Mr. Davenport approaching.

I watched and chuckled at the waves that crashed into the sand and knocked children's sand castles down.

"Ahh, listen to that no phones ringing, no gadgets buzzing, just the sound of nature and..." Tasha sighed, she pulled her glasses down to get a better look, "a bulldog barking up seaweed."

"Yep. There's nothing more fun than sitting completely still in direct sunlight for hours on end. My back sweat is headed towards unnatural places."

I groaned, "Dude, TMI."

I opened my book and continued reading from where I left off. I placed my bookmark in my pocket to make sure I didn't lose it. It was a limited edition Harry Potter bookmark. There's no way I'll let this get lost.

Leo shrugged and laid down on the towel we shared. He didn't stay down for long when Mr. Davenport called him. I was next to them so I could easily hear them even though I shouldn't be.

"I still have to secretly supervise the mission form here, so how would you like to be my concert communications liaison?" Mr. Davenport suggested.

Mission? So he's a scientist and goes on missions.

Iron man?

"Is this like the time you tricked me into doing the dishes by calling me your culinary implement decontaminator?"

I would be tricked. I hear big words and it goes straight through my head. My vocabulary isn't exactly big and I read books, ironic isn't it.

"Yeah, pretty much." Mr. Davenport agreed, "Observe." He walked to the cooler that was beside Tasha.

"Well, Leo, you look, uh, parched. Let me get you a frosty beverage." Mr. Davenport said. He already had a can of soda in his hand and faked pulling it out of the cooler.

The only problem with his idea was Tasha didn't allow Leo to have soda. She retold the time Leo drank four cans of soda and ran around their house. He stay up for hours.

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