(I will not do The Vampire Diaries of season 3 instead I'll make mentions we start season 4 of The Vampire Diaries then move on.)

Gaea's plane

Seeing their mother fall back to sleep after having brought them to the new world, making it impossible for anyone to stay dead, stopping time outside the world, and stocking it.

Aether the Primordial of Light and Upper Atmosphere, Hemera Primordial of Day, and Phusis Primordial of Nature and Beasts all look at each other than Aether states'' I believe we should aid mother ''.

Phusis agreeing replies '' Agreed I'll bring Ansel Niklaus's Father back from death and make him an Immortal Werewolf which will allow him to shapeshift at will. His weakness shall be Wolfsbane mixed into Platinum during the Forging process. Along with the Bennetts Shelia and Ayanna. And I'll allow Vampires magic allowing them Animal Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, and Elemental Manipulation based on age and power. With only the Originals having all the powers and elements along with Necromancy''.

Aether hearing that nod pleased then he states '' I shall make it where once vampires reach 600, they shall not be burned by the sun and an immunity to all Magic cast dealing with Fire and Light including Magic that is not considered Dark like the linking spell''.

Please with the gifts Hemera in a serene filled voice state'' I Shall make all those in the prison world capable of bearing 3 children each and those children can only die from being ripped apart and then burned''.

'' Nicely done nephews and niece ''.

Heads snapping up the three were surprised as the Primordials Chronus, Eros, Nyx, and Pontus appear.

Hemera is the first to bow '' Uncles... Aunt ''.

Nyx smiles at her daughter who still refuses to call her mother after the whole her killing Hemera's 2 Godly children.

Nyx speaks '' Oh daughter do not deny me I'm here to offer something as well... For all vampires in the world, they will gain Sin sight and Sin Confession which will allow them to see the crimes and plans of all but their family and Force the Sinner to admit to their crime. My last gift is the gift of Sinner Blood which will make all sinner's blood taste and smell like Ambrosia to the Vampires''.

Hemera raises her eyebrows then she vanishes in a burst of light not interested in listening to her mother.

Sighing Nyx hopes that sometime during this viewing her and her daughter could make up.

With Hemera finally allowing her to explain why she killed her 2 grandchildren.

Looking out towards the World her younger sister created Nyx waves her hand increasing the powers of the Mikaelsons and all under their power in connection to the night with Vampires becoming 5x then what they were, Werewolves without the full moon became equal to a newborn vampire in strength before they are activated and when they are activated, they equal a 200-year-old vampire in strength, senses and speed. In their wolf form they are equal to a Hybrid in speed, senses, and strength.

For Witches who work for the Mikaelsons any dark spell done in the Mikaelson's service is 4x as powerful and they are 2x as powerful.

For the Mikaelsons she improved on their original spell making it so that they are 5x better in matters of their Vampiric abilities and physical abilities such as their strength, speed, senses, Healing, Mental Abilities, and Physic abilities for each year they have been alive. Plus, everyone they have or will drink they will gain their memories and knowledge.

Nyx her work done turns back into the shadows vanishing.

Chronus sighs and states '' Gaea has already called on my power but I hereby gift this all Witches can live up to 300 years while Werewolves can live 250 years. Vampires shall have the ability to manipulate their own shape in small ways such as making themselves appear older by 4 Years and make any imperfections disappear''.

House of Mikaelson and Potter legaciesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora