XIV: The Television Room

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He waved his fingers in the air. He turned around and urged everyone to follow him. "Come over here! Come on! Come on!"

They all walked over to the television. The Oompa-Loompa that was watching it had it stopped on a channel with gorillas. "Watch the screen!" Willy said excitedly. "Here it comes." A smile played on his face as the chocolate bar came into focus. "Look!" He tapped Mike on the arm. "Take it."

Mike looked incredulously at him. "It's just a picture on a screen."

"Scaredy-cat" Willy faced Charlie instead. "You take it!" Charlie seemed unsure, but Willy encouraged him further. "Go on, just reach out and grab it."

"Go ahead, Charlie." Emma told her nephew, also trying to encourage him. "Take it." Charlie stepped forward and reached through the screen. He grabbed the bar and pulled it out of the television. "Holy Buckets!" Emma muttered, amused.

Charlie looked at the bar and then smiled up at Willy. "Eat it." Willy urged him. "Go on. It'll be delicious. It's the same bar. It's just gotten a little smaller on the journey, that's all." Charlie started unwrapping the bar. Willy kept on encouraging him, even biting his own teeth together.

Charlie took a small bite into the bar. "It's great!" Charlie smiled.

"It's a miracle." Emma said amazed.

Willy walked over and stood by the Oompa-Loompa in the chair. "So imagine, you're sitting at home, watching television, and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say, "Wonka's chocolates are the best in the world. If you don't believe us, try one for yourself." And you simply reach out," Willy reached his hand out, and then retracted it back, as if he was grabbing something. "And take it!" He grinned, specifically at Emma, and tilted his head. "How about that?"

"So, can you send other things?" Norman Teavee asked. "Say, like breakfast cereal?"

"Do you have any idea what breakfast cereals are made of?" Willy retorted, his voice full of disgust. "It's those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners." That made Emma almost chuckle but smile.

"But you could send it by television if you wanted to?" Charlie asked Willy curiously

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"But you could send it by television if you wanted to?" Charlie asked Willy curiously.

"Of course I could." Willy answered proudly.

"What about people?" Mike asked, obviously wanted to break some rules or at least what Emma believes.

"Well why would I send a person? They don't taste very good at all." Willy says.

"Don't you realize what you've invented? It's a teleporter!" Mike shouted. Willy and Emma shared annoyed glances with each other, both of them done with the little snot. "It's the most important invention in the history of the world. And all you can think about is chocolate." Mike spat out the word like it was poison on his tongue.

Norman Teavee told his son in a calm voice. "Calm down, Mike. I think Mr Wonka knows what he's talking about."

Mike argued with his father. "No, he doesn't! He has no idea. You think he's a genius, but he's an idiot! But I'm not." Mike made a mad dash for the platform, jumping over the Oompa-Loompa in the chair, and pushing two others out of his way.

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