Chapter 47

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Charlottes POV

I quickly run down the stairs, very conscious of the fact I'm running late. Walking into the kitchen, I see Alex sitting at the kitchen table with a smirk on his face, staring at the twins who are standing with their backs facing me by the kitchen island.

Mam is standing on the opposite side of the island, spreading some jam on a slice of toast while muttering words I'm unable to hear. But I can tell she's pissed.

"What's going on?" I ask as I cautiously walk further into the kitchen. Everyone turns to me, and when I catch a glimpse of the twins' faces, I hold back a laugh when I realise what's happening.

Elijah has a busted lip, as well as dried blood below his nose. While Ezra has a cut on his cheekbone, and his left eye looks slightly swollen.

The twins are very close. They've always been each other's best friend. But at the end of the day, they're siblings. And siblings fight. But instead of normal arguing or insulting each other, the twins have always had a tendency to get physically violent.

At least once a month, the two of them somehow end up punching each other. It's always Sage or Jay who breaks them up. Clayton doesn't care enough to stop their fighting, while Alex and Leo are amused by it. They start betting on who would win once.

Then mam sees their face, and can magically sense they fought. She gives out, threatens to kill them if it happens again, and ten minutes later, they're back to whispering jokes and annoying the shit out of everyone.

It's a cycle that's been going on for years, and I see no future where it stops.

"These two immature brats have been fighting again," Mam mutters, and they both glare at Alex as he silently laughs from the kitchen table.

Jay then walks into the kitchen, his eyes landing on the twins. "I need you two to run down to warehouse B. Toby has a problem. Sort it out, " Jay tells them, and they nod before silently walking out of the kitchen.

Jay then walks out of the kitchen, down the hall, and no doubt going to his office. "Charlotte, are you going out with that little boyfriend of yours tonight?" Alex asks, and I roll my eyes at the fact he refuses to call him his name.

"No, he's busy," I tell him while grabbing a breakfast bar from the pantry. "Good. Training after school, " Alex tells me, and I groan.

"I'm actually busy as well." I attempt to get myself out of it, and he chuckles. "Nice try," Alex says, and I huff before walking out of the kitchen towards the front door.


Cameron's POV

"Are you free Friday?" Noah asks once Im finished chugging down my small carton of water.

"No, I have a child to mind," I tell him, and he rolls his eyes. "Apart from that," He says, and I think for a moment before shrugging.

"I'm free," I tell him, placing the empty carton on my lunch tray.

"Zack said there's a fight on. The winner gets four, " Noah tells me.


Noah groans as I take a bite of my sandwich. "Come on, dude. Four grand. How can you say no to that?" Noah asks, and I shrug.

"The same way I can say no to you," I tell him. We're currently sitting at the end of one of the metal tables in the cafeteria. I'm trying to eat my lunch in peace, but that's not possible when Noah is around.

"Give me one good reason," Noah says, and I sigh. "I don't want to," I tell him bluntly, and he rolls his eyes. "I said a good reason," Noah says.

"My last fight was two weeks ago. I always wait at least three weeks before doing another fight, " I tell him, and he groans. "Nothing is going to happen, Cameron. You can wear your gothic mask if it makes you feel less insecure, " Noah tells me, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Still no," I tell him. "Why not? It's good money. Plus, Zack already put your name down. " Noah tells me, and I scoff. Of course he did.

"Come on. I'll watch Riley, and you can go make some money and do something useful for once. " Noah grins while I glare at him.

"What do I have to do?" I mumble after a few minutes, figuring I might as well hear him out.

Noah grins, and I roll my eyes.  "I didn't agree. I asked what I had to do. " I remind him, but he doesn't seem to even hear my words.

"Sixteen people altogether. You win, and you go to the next round. All in one night, " Noah explains. "That's..five fights." I quickly calculate, and he shrugs.

"Yeah. But they're not all professional. They could be some random guy who signed up drunk to show off to his friends, " Noah tells me. "Or they could be top of the league," I say, and he grins.

"You willing to risk it?" Noah asks, and before I can answer, a tray is placed down opposite us on the table.

Charlotte smiles as she sits down. "Hey," Noah smiles at her. "Hey," She greets back. Before anyone could say anything else, Noah's phone buzzes in his pocket.

"I have to go. My brothers here to take me to the dentist," Noah tells us, before glancing at me. "Do it," He says, not giving me a second to respond before quickly walking out of the cafeteria.

Which I understand. Zack is impatient as fuck. If he thinks you're taking too long he drives off without you.

We learned that the hard way.

"Do what?" Charlotte asks, and I internally curse Noah. "Don't worry about it" I send her a smile, and she nods.

"Your little job?" Charlotte asks, and I hope she didn't notice me tense up.

"I don't have a job" I shrug, trying to play it cool. Charlotte grins. "I don't know why you won't just tell me. I  already know" Charlotte shrugs.

I don't even know why I'm not telling her. She's clearly okay with it for whatever reason.  "No, you don't" I say, still denying it. She rolls her eyes.

"Have you seen Jasmine?" I ask, attempting to change the subject. "She was glaring at me all through math" Charlotte groans, and I can't help but laugh.

"You did good. Have you seen her black eye? Not even makeup could cover it" I say. "I am pretty proud, not going to lie" Charlotte grins.

"And you get to sit next to her during English" She smiles, and my own drops. "Fuck, I forgot about that" I mumble, and Charlotte laughs while I begin to dread the next period.

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