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Hi everyone.

First off, I want to thank everyone who participated in this edition and for all the help and support from many participant's and judge's.

Sadly there has been a huge issue in this edition  and that is alot of judges bailing at the very last minute. I've been ghosted from many judges and blocked once. This is all very frustrating now that the judging period has ended. I now have over 55 participant's who do not have a judge and are now without a score and without feedback. It's an extremely set back for this community since I've repeatedly said that if you sign up to be a judge you have to stick around and not bail when the time comes to hand in scores.

I thought about it for a few days and I've decided (sadly) that I will remove these groups from the awards. They will not be judged since I do not have the time to judge this many.  And before you say that I should just hire more judges and that this is no excuse, I'm gonna answer now and say that even if I somehow get more judges, 55 books is still alot. And I and many of the judges that judged in this edition do not have time to go over so many books and provide good feedback without it being rushed.

With that being said, I'm really sorry for how things turned out this year. This was completely unplanned and I'm still trying to process this myself.

I'll provide a list below with the genres that will not be judged. Winners from other genres will be annouced soon. And since so many groups have been left blank there will not be many winners depending on how many groups are missing from the genre.

Genres that will not be judged:
- fantasy
- action/adv.
- Teen fiction

So if you signed up in these 3 genres I'm sorry but you will not be receiving a score or feedback.

Winners will be announced this week. And I'm really sorry again to those that will leave this awards with nothing.

- Anna 🤍

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