Best MC

119 12 3

Your Judge annablumwrites

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Your Judge annablumwrites

1. Rhodoreef SuVida777
mc: rhodoreef
2. Fire & Ice thxrsdaychild
mc: cuthbert wulfe
3. The Girl who was Afraid LucyAnnWrites
mc: cerise verns
4. Chronicles of the Assassin BeckyAnyanwu
mc: philip hammond
5. The Prince and the Punk deargodwhyamihere
mc: janice


Your Judge: annablumwrites

1. Baby Harry's Day In marina_swampert
mc: harry potter
2. When his heart-felt love ViniShah2
mc: Jia
3. A Billion Stars g-lil-ginny
mc: leah white
4. Back to the Marauders Mini-Padfoot
mc: rubina black
5. Accompany you to Hell shensympathist
mc: shen yuan


The mini awards will be judged by me (anna, founder if TCA).

Judging will begin as soon as possible and results will be out in the next few weeks.

Good luck to all participant's!

- Anna <3

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