Sci-Fi Entries

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Please remember to follow your judge

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Please remember to follow your judge. If you do not follow this rule your book will not be judged. It will be eliminated and you will not continue in this edition. Judge's please read the bottom part of this page!

Your Judge: chaotic_naturx
1. Rhodoreef SuVida777
2. The Prince and the Punk deargodwhyamihere
3. The Enforcer (Hollow point book 2) Nightmansid
4. Subliminal Riots AstraeaTells
5. Blink DeepBlueInk


Your Judge: Duncan_the_Editor
1. That Family episode 1 FloydLocke
2. Star Hunter TheAlchemist77
3. Memoirs of a Middle Child Butterflies1980
4. Westfield Elite nortonreadsabook
5. Creature of Creation TheQueenofGremlins


Note for Judges; please read!

Before you start judging away please remember to always give honest and good feedback to the participant's. That way all participant's will receive honest feedback and tips on how to make their books better. Please remember that all feedbacks and scores must be genuine. Bribes are forbidden.

Look through the criteria properly and remember to use the scoring used for stories. Do not judge a book using the criteria meant for poetry books.

You must complete judging your groups by August 20.

Please send me all your scores to the awards email; (2 l's) or to my ig account annablumwrites_

If your not comfortable using those platforms you can send me all the feedbacks and scores to this awards account via private messages. Email or insta is preferred but I understand if some don't feel comfortable using those platforms.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask me through private messages. That way your questions won't get lost in the comments!

Thank you and good luck to all the participant's!

More genre pages coming soon!

- Anna (Founder of TCA)

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