"I still can't believe that your father is King Kenshin! I mean that man was my inspiration! He was a really awesome dude!" Kaminari raved.

(Y/N) finally reached the door to the captain's quarters. She paused making the trio wait in anticipation to see if she was actually going to answer their questions. (Y/N) turned around to face the anxious three.

"All of that is in the past now. I don't want to revive Domanium, I don't want to think about my father and I certainly do not want to hear another word about any of this!"

With that, she quickly opened the door and slammed it, leaving the three out there feeling unsatisfied with the response that they got while also feeling guilty for bringing up sore feelings. They decided that it was best to leave her alone for a while and let her cool down.

On the other side of the door, (Y/N) took a deep breath before sliding down the door. Finally feeling the weight of all the emotions that she had been putting off, she began to sob. It felt like all of the old wounds from that night were reopened in a matter of minutes. So, for the first time in a while, she sat there and allowed herself to cry about everything from that night. She cried about that beautiful dream being destroyed. She cried about the way people are being affected now since that night. She cried about the loss of her father from that night.

Bakugo stood there for a moment seething in rage. How could she just not acknowledge the hard work that her father had done all those years ago? How could she be so quick to call his dream, his achievement crazy! Does she not see the benefits that this could have once it is enacted? Bakugo finally collected himself and stormed off to find his partner.

It didn't take him long to see Kirishima running towards him. They got separated when Bakugo sprinted through the crowd to catch up to (Y/N).

"Hey, Bakugo! There you are!" Kirishima yelled while waving his hand up in the air letting his partner know where he was. Kirishima had a wide grin on his face that he quickly got rid of once he saw how mad his blonde companion was. He stopped where he was and Bakugo continued to stomp past him.

"So I'm guessing that it didn't go so well?"

"The little shit yelled at me for wanting to revive Domanium! I mean, it was her father's idea and it would have happened too if weren't for those motherfuckers! You know what, screw her. We don't need her anyways. We'll just revive it ourselves. Let the world think that she perished that night along with her old man." Bakugo ranted while Kirishima was trying his best to keep up with the fuming dragon prince.

"Whoa there man. Let's calm down. I'm sure that she doesn't mean that. That night was also pretty traumatic for her too. She probably doesn't want to repeat history. Let's look for a hotel room for the night and talk to her again tomorrow. We can let her know that she won't be alone in this and we'll make sure Domanium survives and thrives with us there." Kirishima surmised. His words made Bakugo slow down to a stop and think about it. He'd been so wrapped up in this mission that he never really thought about what that night could have meant to her. He still thought that she was an idiot for not wanting to revive Domanium but maybe his partner does have a point, much to his dismay.

"Whatever, let's just find a room so that we don't have to camp out another night. I'm tired of the hard ground and you trying to cuddle up next to me." Bakugo grumbled as he continued walking, now with a destination in mind.

"Hey! I don't try to cuddle with you! I just get cold and you're the closest thing to warmth!" Kirishima tried to defend himself while catching up to Bakugo.

"Just hurry up shitty hair."

Time had passed and the sun had begun to set. (Y/N) was still in the captain's quarters where she was now sitting at her desk staring out into the town. Most of the people should be starting to head home and the town will be quiet once again. A drastic difference from the busy morning at the market.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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