And there came soft, childish laughing from the other side of the phone.

A small smile made its way up to my lips, when it dropped immediately a second later.

It was then when I noticed that her disembodied voice slightly broke towards the end, revealing quiet sobs as she adjusted her phone, causing loud, disturbing noises to make me cringe.
Was she crying?

"What happened? Ji, Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry. I really hope I didn't disturb you."

"You didn't, don't worry..."

"I just didn't have anyone else to call."

The phone in my hand tightened as I looked down to my shoes.

"Can you tell me what happened?"


"The usual."

She laughed again, but this time it wasn't convincing.


"I like your voice."

I didn't answer, feeling my heart jump out of my chest.

"Please continue talking. Just say anything.
I really need it."

"Oh, okay. What do you...want me to say?"
I gulped, feeling nervous all of a sudden. I had no idea what to say.


"Tell me about your day, Jungwon."

"Ah, okay, okay. My day? Nothing much happened. Uh, I..ate ice cream today. My friend ordered mint chocolate flavored one. When I bit into my ice cream he stared at me with big eyes saying people don't do that here."

I heard her chuckle from the other side.

"And I argued back saying people don't eat mint chocolate. At least they shouldn't. There's even mint chocolate chicken. Like? That should be considered a crime!"

"Mint chocolate chicken?"

"Yes! I barely managed to convince my friend not to order it."

I heard her laugh as I sighed in relief.

For a moment it was quiet again.
Except for her unsteady, shaky breathing.



"I'm so sad."

"It's okay."

"It's so tiring."

"It's okay to be sad."


"Just...don't give up."

"What if I don't have the strength
to keep going?"

"It's always the same."

"You aren't alone, Ji. I'm here."

"No, you are not."

"You are just comforting me
because it's your job."


"People always end up alone."


"You struggle alone.."

"you suffer alone..."

"i'm and in the end, you die alone."

"It will never change."

"Ji, wait-"

I anxiously looked at my phone after the beep sound startled me.

She hung up on me.

jungwon's p.o.v end



thank you for answering my call

i'm sorry for getting worked up for no reason

one day i will tell you my story

one day

till then don't forget our promise, okay?

you have to bring me to the auroras one day

i want to see the Northern lights before i die

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