Together Forever

271 2 14

Warning: death, blood

Elizabeth Pov

I walked around for a little bit taking in my surroundings. It was dark and there are these white particles coming from the sky like snow. I kept standing over the vines not sure what would happen if I stood on one and really, I didn't want to find out.

"henry?!" I started yelling out maybe he could hear me. "Henry baby it's me Lizzie"
I stop at a house. It was huge. I walk over to the door noticing the beautiful rose on it. I turn the knob and walk in. "hello?" I walk around inspecting then suddenly a vine grabs my arm and another grabs my waist. I get pulled and tied to a wall. Another vine wraps around my throat as I suffocate. I notice a figure walking down the stairs. He was deformed, no nose, red skin. The vines let me go and I fall to my knees coughing in pain. I look to this figure feeling terrified. He kneeled down and looked into my eyes.

"Lizzie" he whispered as he placed his hand onto my cheek rubbing his thumb against it. My eyes were full of tears. It couldn't be?

"H...Henry?" I stutter. He nods softly "what happen to you?" I bring him into a hug embracing him.

"she put me here Eleven. When I fell into this world I was severely burned, the place changes a person. Oh, it's so nice seeing you, my love." Henry leans in and kisses my lips softly.

We spent who knows how long catching up. He told me his plan about ruling both worlds, how humanity deserved to suffer, to be honest it was kind of hot. Though I loved Henry his new form was repulsive, and I found it hard to kiss but, I love him so much, I was going to kill that Eleven bitch.

Henry was in the attic vines attached to him as he was heading to kill his last target. I sat near him watching until the attic door open and I saw three people. "wait I remember you, you wanted directions" robin questions. I stood up.

"leave if you know what's best" I notice they had weapons on them were they planning on hurting Henry?

"can't let that happen" the other girl standing there I believe her name was Nancy spoke in a harsh tone.

"who even are you?" the guy questions. I smirk.

"Elizabeth Brenner"

"wait as in Martin Brenner?" Nancy asks

"oh, so you know the man that I once called father" I frown feeling pissed off as the name was spoken. "I was the whole reason he started that stupid program. Daughter born with abilities he wanted to test on me, no one will control me again!" I get into the head of the male standing there. "kill them" suddenly Steve started swinging his bat at the girls.

"Steve stop! what are you doing to him?!" Robin yells while dogging. I giggle while watching. All of us hear a clock downstairs make four rings. I smile.

"I guess we win" Nancy runs at me "freeze" Nancy stops moving, all she can do is speak and move her eyes.

"we will fix this, and we will kill you" Nancy yells. Robin still dodging Steve attacks. I laugh in a manic way. The vines lower Henry and he walks over to me.

"having fun, I see?" He smirks. "but now is time we explore our new world. The earth moves like an earthquake as the world splits revealing four portals to the right way up. I look into Nancys eyes as she still can't move.

"snap your own neck" I smile. Nancy tears up moving her hands to her head, with one swift move she snaps it and falls down dead. Robin screams watching Nancy fall. As she was distracted Steve used his bat with nails and swung at Robins head, the nails getting stuck. Robin screams in pain. As Steve finally removes it Robin falls to the ground blood gushing out as she slowly dies from blood loss. Steve snaps out of it and cries.

"No what have I done." He looks at me and screams "you are sick." I smile softly.

"no humanity is but it's okay I will fix it; we will fix it." I look back at Henry then to Steve. "god you are hot it's sad I got to kill you" I grab a sharp piece of plank and stab it into his throat. I remove it and he gasp as blood pours out. "damn did I hit a vein." I laugh. He falls down choking on his own blood. Henry grabs my hand smirking.

"that was so hot Liz" we kiss deeply his hands roaming all over me as a wrap my arms around his waist.

We exit the upside down and look around. It didn't look much different to the upside down. The white particles falling from the sky, darkness, dead grass everywhere. I watch as people run around screaming. I smirked. "let humanity suffer"

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