Tragedy Strikes

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4 years later - age 20

Elizabeth Pov

Henry and I kept our relationship a secret, Papa would hurt us if he knew. I was promoted to guard like Henry 3 years ago. We just stood there and watched the kids. There was 17 of them now. I bonded to one child, Eleven, she was only 10 but she wasn't like the others, all the kids bullied her because she wasn't as strong. I would draw with her and even helped her concentrating her powers. I sometimes saw Henry hanging around Eleven too.

Papa entered the room. "good morning, everyone" all the kids responded

"morning Papa"

"follow me everyone and Lydia and Peter follow too 17 hold the door please" everyone left the room following Papa. I held the door for 17 then smiled as Henry walked through. I let go of the door and followed everyone down the hall.
We enter a room and Papa tells us to draw circles on the floor across from each other. "today two of you will stand in these circles first one to go out the circle in eliminated and will sit by the door" he points to the door then calls for 2 and 3. I put a bind fold over 2 as Henry does with 3.

2 knocks everyone out then it was Elevens turn. I see Henry whispering to her. I wondered what he said as I watch Eleven throw 2 out the circle.

As I was talking to Henry in the hall, I saw Papa tell guards to grab him

"what the hell he didn't do anything"

I was held back Henry smiles softly.

"its fine Lydia don't worry" I watched as he was taken, I knew exactly what they were going to do. I ran to my room and through myself onto my bed and cried putting my pillow over my head covering my ears.

The next day I woke up and walked into the rainbow room. No one was there then I saw the children and Henry walk in. I look around noticing 2 was missing I whisper to Henry "what happen?"

"2 was caught hurting Eleven yesterday he got what he deserved" I nod then looked at the kids "we leave today" he whispered then Henry walked off and sat with Eleven. They began playing chess. After a while he stood next to me again. "she will meet us" I nod looking around at the kids.

Henry came into my room. "come on its time" I smiled and giggled. We snuck into the basement already seeing Eleven sitting there.

"hey Eleven" The little girl jumped. "sorry did I scare you?" the girl nodded, and I giggled. Henry took the bars off the pipe and told Eleven how crawling threw would get her out.

"what about you?" Eleven said softly

"we can't" Henry sighed grabbing the girl's hand and guiding it to his neck "Lydia and I both have chips you aren't the only one prisoned here if we followed, they would track us it's not safe for you"

"what if I get it out?" she offered us looking at both of us. I smiled. I moved my hair to the side and bit down on Henrys shirt as she uses her power to rip it out. I place my hand over the cut in my neck then looking at the blood on my neck. I watch as Eleven gets Henrys out then he walks to the chips and picks it up.

"how could something so small cause so much trouble" he breaks them then looks back as us then sirens went off guards barging in. Henry grabs my hand and I grab Elevens. We run into a hallway, but we were trapped until Henry through them around the room. I smiled as he did, holding Eleven close. All I could think was how hot it was watching Henry kill the guards. The three of us ran into a closet.

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