Finding Him

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Elizabeth Pov

I hid around buildings to be out of sight I was an escape convict now. I look down at my clothes and sigh the clothes would bring attention first clothes then maybe dye my hair then no one will recognize me.

I sneak into the closest clothing store I saw; I snuck around hoping no one would see and grabbed the first clothes I saw then ran out before anyone saw. As I ran, I heard the alarm go off, but I was out of sight before they caught me. I went into a bush and stripped off my dirty white hospital outfit and put on a black Metallica top and some jeans, wasn't my type to wear band shirts but couldn't be picky. I next walked into a saloon. I saw a girl maybe early 20s chewing bubble gum at the counter. I walk over.

"what do you want?" the girl sounded very rude like I was wasting her time. I look into her eyes and use my powers.

"I need to dye my hair you will do it for free"

"yea no I won't" the girl blows a bubble with her bubble gum which makes me jump slightly. Focus Liz, I told myself as I look into the girl's eyes and repeat

"dye my hair for free"

"I will dye your hair for free" the girl repeats after me then leads me to a chair. I sit and tell her I just wanted my hair to be dyed blonde, no one would recognize me as a blonde.

After a couple hours dying and curling my hair I was good. Next step was to find those girls. Just my luck when I walk out the saloon, I see one of the girls. I run up to her and tap her shoulder. The brunette turns around. "sorry I am lost could you help me out? Oh, I'm Lydia by the way" I put my hand out "I'm new in town" I fake smile at the girl trying to seem sweet and innocent. The girl shakes my hand.

"sure, I can help I'm Robin by the way so what do you need?" Robin smiles at the girl. I look into Robins eyes.

"what do you know about Henry Creel?" I stare at the girl hoping my powers worked first time this time.
"oh, Henry slash One slash Vecna, I know he is a child killing psycho who is now killing people from the creel house to open 4 portals across Hawkins from the upside down at least that's what he showed my friend Nancy, he showed her a lot of scary shit even apparently him killing his family, him getting this number tattoo."

I roll my eyes "uh where is this upside down how do I get there?"

"oh, every murder sight has a portal that will take you there be careful though the lovers lake portal is guarded by bats. Oh, my friend Eddie has one in his trailer not the best thing to have in your house."

"and where does your friend Eddie live?"

"uh um..." I notice my powers are getting weaker. I feel blood on my lips from my nose. But I must find him.

"where does your friend Eddie live?" I stare into Robins eyes. Robin tells me where he lives then I run off. Robin watches me run off.

"um glad to help?" Robin stood there confused.

I stood outside the trailer that apparently had the portal to this upside down this girl mentioned. I opened the door and looked around. It smelled awful and was very messy. I look up and see a hole in his roof, but I didn't see the blue sky it was the floor of this trailer but like dark like it was night-time. I notice a rope hanging through the hole and use it to climb. I fell onto a mattress. "ow" I stood up and looked around. I opened the door and saw darkness everywhere. What is this place? I thought to myself, why would Henry be here? I look down to see vines, like the ones on the wall at the lab when Henry disappeared. Did that brat Eleven send him here? "oh, poor Henry"

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