.... Years Later

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4 years later - Age 13

Elizabeth Pov

Henry runs into my room and grabs my arm pulling me out my bed. I was laying there just reading a book, all the books where barely together but as long as I could read the words it was fine. We were still the only people around. Papa was still trying to figure how to use our blood to make others, he started kidnapping kids but they all would die. He made sure to kidnap them from orphanages, kids that had no one so no one would question their disappearance.

Henry and I ran into the hall and down to the room where we would hang the most. Papa likes to call it the rainbow room like ok you painted the wall rainbow so creative.

"close your eyes" Henry smiled softly as I closed my eyes. He opened the door and guided me in while I still had my eyes shut. I giggled

"what are you doing?"

"ok so I talked to Papa and...open your eyes" I opened my eyes "happy birthday Liz"

"Paints, I can try painting!" I loved drawing I was getting really good; I mentioned a couple times to Henry that I always wanted to paint "wait but what did he want?" I always knew there was a price with that evil man.

"don't worry ok, you deserve this." As he said that my heart skipped a beat. I had such a dumb little crush on him, I didn't care if he was 16. He was my best friend, not like there was the choice he was the only person around besides the bad men and Papa.

The next day I woke up in my room and left it to see Henry, but he wasn't in his room. It was weird he would always get up and wake me up like I would do if I was up first. I roamed the halls until I saw him in a room. I peeked through the window and saw Henry strapped to a chair. They were taking so much of his blood. He was doing this for me. For paints? I started tearing up covering my mouth to silent the weeps that came out my mouth. I hid as they approached the door. I saw two guards drag his barely conscious body back to his room. Once they left, I ran in and kneeled down next to him.

"you dumb, dumb idiot" I wrapped my arms around him as he tried to sit up. I helped him to his bed then hit his arm softly. "come on you almost died from blood lose for paints" I hit his arm again and again and again crying hard. I couldn't contain myself. "you can't just leave me here alone you idiot" he grabbed my wrist before I hit him again. I kept crying staring into his eyes.

"I would do anything for you, and you know that" He smiled weakly.

3 years later - age 16

The numbers went as high as 9, I wasn't aloud to see the poor souls my father had kidnapped from their families, I could hear them from my room, I wish I could hang with them, with someone besides Henry, Papa said I had to call him Peter instead of Henry or 001. Ever since the experiments were working, he hid us both from the rest, different names, Identities, I didn't know why, I was known as Lydia instead of Elizabeth or 000 didn't matter though, no one knew I was here besides Henry. He got to see the kids; he was a guard. Always in that dumb white outfit. His main job was to watch the kids and throw food at me.

I sat reading a book when I saw the flap on my door open. I smiled knowing who was on the other side. I grabbed the tray putting it aside then put my hand through the flap holding his hand. "missing you everyday" I whispered softly just so only he could hear. They disabled my camera in my room, really showing no one cared.

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