Chapter 16: General Hospital

Start from the beginning

            "Okay" I said and they prepped him to be moved to a more comfortable room and I made sure he was in the best room with a lot of space for us.


            We were finally in a spacious room and moments later, my parents and Louai arrived with Anas, Hala, and her husband.

            "How is he?" Louai ran into the room the moment he saw an unconscious Omar.

            "He's under sedation. He's going to be okay but he experienced a really bad panic attack that he felt he needed to come to the hospital."

            "And he came on his own?" my dad looked like he felt guilty like I did. "I should have seen he was not okay."

            "What did the doctors say?" asked my mom.

            "He's anemic and they say that could have also been a trigger next to the trauma he's experienced because of his brother!" I looked at Omar, unable to believe he had suffered so much in the hands of his brother, who should have been protecting him and not hurting him.

            "Did he prescribe him something?" asked Anas.

            "Yes, some iron tablets to elevate his iron and blood cells back to normal levels" I said.

            Louai took Omar's hand and gave it a gentle kiss, then he leaned over and hugged him, kissing his forehead.

            "I'm so sorry!" he cried over his bare chest.

            "He's going to be okay" I assured him.

            "I'm responsible for this. I was the one who mistreated him and caused him to want to leave. If I had just been more accepting and tolerant, this would not have happened."

            "There's no point in blaming yourself. What's done is done" said Cielo. "He's going to be okay and what you can do is be there for him during his times of need. He's going to need you and your family. So be there for him and that's how you can make it up to him."

            I looked at my parents, Cielo, my brother, and Anas with his parents as well as his brother Hassan.

            We all waited for Omar to wake up. The doctor said we could take him home after he woke up and I hoped he woke up soon so we could take him out of this dreadful place. Hospitals always gave me the creeps and I preferred that my little cousin was in a good environment that would promote peace and security.

            Taline showed up out of nowhere, in her red dress.

            "What happened to him?" she looked at him, noticing how she wanted to cry but was holding back.

            "He suffered a severe panic attack and he landed here" I said, unsure if I should tell her to leave or not.

            It was obvious she still cared and loved him but after the incident over six months ago, things between them changed from one night to the next.

            I decided not to tell her to leave because she was an important part of Omar's life and I knew she still loved him.

            "I think you should leave!" Cielo said in a brute tone

            "I can't leave!" Taline was now shedding tears.

            "Taline, listen to me! Your presence will only make matters worse and he needs to be at peace and not more stressed!"

Second Chances: a Coincidences novel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now