Chase x Ava

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Chase and Ava had been trying for a bittie for a long time but never had any luck. They had been trying for countless stellar-cycles since they had been bonded. They stopped a few breem before they adopted Ratchet and Prowl. They would try from time to time after but still no luck. They both agreed just to raise Ratchet and Prowl. Chase was at home helping Prowl make dinner so they could surprise Ava. Ava was speaking with Whitney, Sunburst, and Theresa at the hospital.

"I'll see you later." Sunburst said leaving

"Get some rest." Whitney said, kissing Theresa's forehelm, "I'll come to check on you later."

"Good night, Theresa." Ava said leaving with Whitney

The two femmes then left the room. Ava could tell that her friend wanted to tell her something.

"What do you want to tell me, Whitney?" Ava asked, tilting her helm

"Why don't we sit down before I tell you?" Whitney said, walking over to a bench and then sitting down

"It can't be that bad." Ava said, sitting down next to her, then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Remember when you had me scan you the other cycle because you didn't feel well?" Whitney asked gently

"I'm not sick, am I?" Ava asked

Whitney took Ava's servos into her own and said with a smile, "You're sparked, Ava. You and Chase are finally going to have a mini you running around. Just like you both have been wanting for so many stellars."

"It's happening?" Ava asked with disbelieve

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask Heatwave and Quickshadow, Boulder and Ayani, or even Aaron and I for help." Whitney said

"Think you can help me plan a dinner or something so I can tell them?" Ava asked, hugging her friend

"Of course." Whitney said, hugging back, "I'm so happy for you."

Whitney had convinced their friends to meet at Sweet Treat Superb a few cycles later. Their friends and mates were all going to be there for lunch.

"It's so nice to finally find a cycle where we all can talk with each other like old times." Ayani spoke

"Indeed. It feels wonderful to see our friends again finally after all this time." Quickshadow spoke, then asked, "How is your mechling?"

"He is as sweet and humble as he could be." Ayani answered, then questioned, "What of your mechlings?"

"Both have such amazing femmes that they care for, and they in turn for them." Quickshadow responded

"Why are we at a sweet shop and not a cafe or something?" Heatwave grumbled

"Because a lot has changed since you were last in Iacon, Heatwave." Whitney said right behind Heatwave scaring him out of his seat

"How long have you been standing there?" Heatwave asked getting back into his seat

"Long enough." Whitney said, sitting down with Aaron

"She's right, Love. Much has changed from last time." Quickshadow said

"Sorry, we're late. Had to get this one out of berth from a long shift the cycle before." Ava giggled, walking over

"Some bot looks like they didn't want to get out of the berth." Boulder laughed, seeing Chase half awake

"Very funny, Boulder." Chase said, sitting down before he hit the floor

Ava then sat down, looking at Whitney nervously. Ava didn't think she would be this nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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