Fudou:"I'm sure they'll understand. Besides, they owe you alot with what happened with Tamaba." He answered.

Masuko:"I guess your right on that o-" He was cut off as our room door slams open.

As the door was forcibly opened, 2 male students that had been forcibly corrected were visible from the door frame as they only wore a towel thay covered their body.

As the door was forcibly opened, 2 male students that had been forcibly corrected were visible from the door frame as they only wore a towel thay covered their body

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Fudou:"Huh? What are two doing here? And why does it look like you've seen a ghost?" He asked them.

Baldy:"The-there's a monster in the bathroom!"

Blondie:"Yeah! Yeah! We saw with out own eyes!" The two answered.

Fudou:"A monster in the bathroom? I mean, obviously there's gonna be alot of creepy monsters there. Especially when you both in there, naked." He jokingly said.

Masuko:"That's not what they meant!" Masuko said to Fudou.

Baldy:"God, stop being ridiculous and come help us!

Fudou:"Anyway, We can't help you right now. As you can see, my little brother is in a bit of foul mood." He said pointing to me.

This made them look towards my direction as they see me on the top bunk, wrapped in a blanket and visibly upset.

This made them look towards my direction as they see me on the top bunk, wrapped in a blanket and visibly upset

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(Y/n's current position)

Fudou:"So, me and him would like to go back to bed, thank you." He said as he lays back down on the bottom bunk.

Rin:"Y/n! Fudou! Get right down here this instant!" Rin shouted from outside.

Hearing this, a tick mark appeared on my forehead as I slam my face on the pillow and started screamin and slamming my fist on the bed.

Y/n:"HMMMFFFF!" A muffled scream got out.

Masuko:"Unfortunately, looks like you two won't be sleeping today." He said as Fudou stood up and grabbed his bag.

Fudou:"Yup, real nice. Come on Y/n." He said as he grabs my foot to leave.

In response, I hold onto the one of the bars on the safety railings on the top bunk bed as he Fudou notices this and pulls me harder.

The Silent Martial Artist  (Quiet Male Reader x Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism)Where stories live. Discover now