1. oblivion

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Hi, there ;)

Welcome to my newest story! I know I haven't finished my other one yet, but I'm super excited about this one and its next one (although they'll both be stand-alone books, this one and the next one will take place in the same universe with the same characters!)

Again, if you didn't read the description: There will be possibly triggering content in the book, so please take care of yourself while you read.



For a moment, darkness was the only thing she knew. Her name, her face, her past; it didn't exist. She was swimming in pitch black, and everything else was gone, as if it had never existed. Time seemed to be frozen still and moving at breakneck speed all at once.

And then, slowly, the darkness was disrupted by something else. Distantly, she heard the sound of crying. It was a heavy, heart-wrenching, sobbing sound, and it tore at her own chest in a strange way. She vaguely wondered why.

Then she heard hushed voices, the words indistinguishable. And she felt warmth. The darkness began to thin, the black beginning to break. Where it did, holes of yellow and orange seemed to seep through. The heat grew warmer, beginning to feel uncomfortable, and the lights grew brighter and brighter. Her body writhed in pain, and her head felt as though it was splitting apart. She squeezed her eyes shut against the pain and the bright lights, but it didn't make a difference.

The heat turned to agony, and the lights stabbed into her brain from behind her eyelids.

Fire. She felt like she was on fire; her whole body was burning with pain. And when the pain reached its crescendo and the darkness had become a blinding white, everything stopped.

Eunji slowly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings. A phantom pain tingled in her toes, her fingers, and一oh god, her head. She reached a hand up to touch the site of the pain, but her fingers felt no wound and came away clean of any blood. Just a splitting headache, then.

She was lying down on a bed. The room was familiar in its structure, but the walls and mattress were bare, devoid of any and all decoration that may once have been there.

This confused Eunji.

Why was she lying in bed? One look out the window told her it was probably around midday. She should be at practice right now.

And where were all her things? The last time she'd been in her room一which had to have been last night一there had been posters and pictures on her walls, and her bed had been messily unmade, the teddy bear-patterned  comforter halfway on the floor. But now, other than the furniture, it was completely empty. It looked exactly as it had before she had moved in. And to make it worse, the bed on the other side of the room was stripped bare, too. Somehow, in the time that she had been asleep, all of her and her roommate's stuff had mysteriously disappeared. She needed to find Yuri and find out what the heck was going on.

She slowly sat up, her sheet-less mattress creaking in protest. The pounding in her head had started to ease up, but upon her movement, it came back in full force. She groaned as she rolled off the bed, making her way towards the door.

She moved to pull it open, but it didn't budge. In fact, her hand sank right through it. She stared at her hands, at the door handle, in shock. And then she tried again.

And again.

And again.

Each time, her hand passed through the metal as if it wasn't even there. She felt panic rising higher in the back of her throat with each failure.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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