Chapter 8: Dreamwalking

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The trio walk along the sidewalk and come up to lights, which was green. Stephen started to walk out but America grabs him and pulls him back just as a car wheezes by. "They go on red?" Stephen asked America as he noticed nobody going on green. "Rule number one of Multiversal travel? You don't know anything." America said. "Right." Stephen said and the trio wait until the light turns red.

"It's red." he said and they started to walk across the street. "So, what's rule number two?" Stephen asked and both he and Vincent turn to see America not behind them. "America?" Stephen said. "America?" Vincent said, panicked, then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turns and sees her and he goes and taps Stephen's shoulder. "Rule number two? Find food. Preferrably, pizza. Pizza balls." America said as she holds up a bowl with some pizza balls. "Oh good. I'm starting." Vincent said as he takes a pizza ball. Then he and America tap the food together, as one would clink their glasses together, and begin to eat them.

"How'd you pay for that?" Stephen asked her as they start to walk. "It was free. Food's free in most universes, actually. It's weird you guys have to pay for it." she said as they walk by a food stand and an older man turns and sees the teens eating the pizza balls.

"Hey. You didn't pay for that." he yells and Stephen and the teens turn to him. "Crap. Maybe it's not free here." America said. "Pizza Poppa always gets paid." Pizza Poppa said, annoyed and angry, as he walks up to them. "Alright, Pizza Poppa. Relax, they’re just kids..." Stephen said.

"Relax yourself there, Doctor Strange. Where did you get this cape from anyway?" Pizza Poppa asked as he grabs the cloak and runs his fingers over it. "Oh, that feels authentic." He said. "It's not a cape, it's a cloak. And I suggest you let go." Stephen threatens. "You took this whole suit from the Strange Museum, didn't ya?" Pizza Poppa asked, accusatory.

"Strange Museum?" Stephen asked, confused. "You're a taker. Why don't you take some mustard, huh?!" Pizza Poppa said as he holds up a mustard bottle and aims it at Stephen. But before he could do anything, Stephen raises a hand then does some gestures and made Pizza Poppa aim the bottle at himself and shoot mustard at himself.

Then Stephen made the man start punching himself. "Come on. It's not permanent." Stephen tells the kids as they watch Pizza Poppa beat himself up. "Is it gonna stop in a few minutes?" Vincent asked him. "About three weeks." Stephen replied and they walk on.

"Those universes we went through, were we paint in one of them?" Vincent asked America and she chuckles a bit. "Yeah. You don't wanna get stuck in there. It's really hard to eat." America said and Vincent laughs while Stephen chuckles.

"How many universes have you been through?" Stephen asked her. "Seventy-two? Seventy-three, counting this one." she replied after thinking. "That's...That's a lot." Stephen said as he steps on a platform that lights up. "Memory Lane. Replay your significant memories, now in a discounted price. We remember, so you don't forget." an automated voice said as the platform scans Stephen.

He stops and stares ahead as the window of this business turns into a large screen. Projected on the screen was Stephen and (y/n) sitting at a table to a nice restaurant and Stephen's mouth drops, slightly. This was a memory....a memory of their actual first date.

"You really didn't have to do this, Stephen." (Y/n) said, but the smile on her face couldn't be contained. "Hey, we saved the world, we earned it." Stephen said, a bit in a joking manner, and she giggles. "Besides, I wanted to take you out on an actual date. Since I'm guessing you've never been on one." Stephen said. "Nope and, honestly, I never thought I would go on a date." (Y/n) said.

“You haven’t?” he asked her and she shakes her head. “Nope. Like I told you before, I’ve been studying and training a lot since I was a kid. Didn’t really have time to experience things in the world outside the temple.” She explained and Stephen gives her a sympathetic look. "Well, let's start changing that, shall we?" Stephen said and (y/n) giggles.

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