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(Above is Bonnie's house) A few months ago

"So is your daddy going to come to save his little princess?" The guy said looming over me

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"So is your daddy going to come to save his little princess?" The guy said looming over me. 

"Don't say that" I shot back running out of things to say back, he got closer only inches away from my face and before he could make another move I punched him in the jaw taking him by surprise, he stumbled back looking at me like I was insane.

"You bitch!" He yelled I smirked and crossed my arms.

"Bonnie?!" I heard someone yell. 'Shit' I forgot Lucas was going to pick me up I started walking in that direction but the guy grabbed my wrist jerking me back I collided with his chest and felt like I broke my nose because of the hard impact.

"I would like a kiss goodbye," He said sternly but he got thrown into the wall by near me, I looked and blinked a few times to see what just happened and saw Lucas pinning him against the wall by the collar of his shirt. 

"What the fuck man?!" He shouted sending a punch to his face.

"Lucas! It's fine,  stop just stop" I said pulling on his arm he looked at the guy who looked unconscious and back to me he let go of the guy and turned me around inspecting me.

"Did he hurt you?"  He said urgently once he looked over he calmed down.

"No idiot I had it under control" He scoffed and we heard someone walking in this direction.

"Run!" I shrieked and we both bolted in the opposite direction and up the stairs shoving each other to get ahead when we came to an empty classroom he pulled me in and we hid there for a few minutes. I flicked the lights on to see it was my history class, I walked over to his desk and sat down propping my feet on his desk and looking through the papers.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked peering over my shoulder, I took a moment to flick his forehead and snicker.

"Looking at the answer sheet for the test tomorrow," I said reaching for the sharpie and writing them down. He just scoffed and walked to the door checking the halls. Ok, this is pretty confusing on why I'm here after school with Lucas and who is Lucas and who was the dude I punched, and why are we running.

Well I had an after-school track meet and since I don't have a car Lucas (who is one of my 'many' friends) stayed after to drive me back to the other guys, and the guy I punched is Derick is one of the asshole football players. At our school, we have Football, track, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and basketball but all my friends are baseball players and pretty damn good ones I might add. And we were running from either Derick's friend, janitor, or principal sooooo yeah all caught up now!

"BONNIE" Lucas shouted at me bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I said standing up and messing the desk up and throwing papers around the room.

"Come on let's go," He said already walking down the hall, I rolled my eyes and turned over some of the desks. I have a history of the first period so this will be good. I jogged to match up with Lucas who was just about to leave the building.

"So how are things at home," He said getting in his car.

"We'll have to clean up those cuts on your knuckles" I tried changing the subject knowing all too well that he would keep asking.

"Bon" He glanced over at me and went back to the road, swerving through people I mean they are going 50mph in a 70mph area?! Like, come on people!

"We don't want them to get infected- or hurt more," I said getting quieter by the end, I sighed and put an earbud in turning my depressed-filled music, the music I can relate to.

"Bonnie stop changing the subject" I groaned keeping my eyes out the window.

"Same as always. Drinking all day and coming home drunk." I chewed the inside of my mouth, a bad habit, and bounced my leg. Lucas put his hand on my knee stopping me from bouncing it.

"Why don't you stay at one of the guy's houses?" He asked pulling off the highway. I thought about it for a minute I mean I could but I would have to go home and get clothes, I would also feel too guilty.

"I guess but If I do can we stop by my house quickly to pick up some clothes?" He nodded and turned down my street I hadn't even noticed we were in my neighborhood. I hated it around here well I mean everyone here is rich and there are mansion-like houses everywhere. My house wasn't the biggest but it wasn't the smallest, we pulled into the long driveway.

"Ok, ill be back," I said getting out as he did the same.

"What are you doing?" I asked stopping in front of him.

"Coming?" He said in a duh tone, I rolled my eyes.

"No you aren't ill be quick" He pointed to the car behind me I guessed he was home early I sighed and let him follow me into the house, I walked quickly up the stairs and into my room where Lucas dove onto my bed like he just found his happy place.: 

It was an ok room but it wasn't bad, I walked into my closet threw some clothes in, and walked out to see him on his phone, I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom that connected to my room and put some stuff in there

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It was an ok room but it wasn't bad, I walked into my closet threw some clothes in, and walked out to see him on his phone, I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom that connected to my room and put some stuff in there.

"Ok lazy let's go!" I yelled and heard him walking after me.


Thank you for choosing this book and I hope you enjoy it!

XO- Randomness2020

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