"No problem. Hey, you're the new girl, right?" He asked.

The boy had brown hair and eyes. Usually, I found brown eyes a bore, but his eyes held a pinch of gold in the center. It wasn't something a human would be able to notice. He was also definitely taller than me.

"I guess word gets around fast," I laughed lightly.

He scratched the back of his neck."Yeah. I'm Jeremy," Jeremy introduced himself. A smile slipped on his face. It was kind.

I held out my hand for him to shake which he did without hesitation. "Victoria. But you can call me Vic or Tori," I told him.

"I like Tori," He smiled.

A smirk slipped on my face. "Um, could you help me find my first class?" I asked.

He nodded. "What class?"

I unfolded the paper. "Uh...Tanner." Jeremy laughed. "What?" I asked with a slight frown, not understanding what could be so funny. I checked myself and everything around me to see if there could be anything remotely funny going on. Nope.

With a reassuring look and him shaking his head, Jeremy replied, "Nothing it's just that... Never mind, let's go. We have first class together." I was motioned to follow him. Which I did.

"What is so bad about Mr. Tanner?" My curiosity got the better of me; I didn't want to wait to find out.

"You'll see." I was told, making me groan with annoyance. Curse being impatient.

I rose my eyebrows at him. "Ok?"

While we were walking to history together, I took in the school. The small school was well kept. The metal lockers didn't have chipping paint, the walls had fresh, clean walls filled with team spirit things. There weren't many people in the halls like Jeremy said; we were already a few minutes late.

I assumed when we stopped at a class it was where we supposed to have our first class. The door was closed so I knocked, Jeremy didn't seem to have any motivation to do it. The door opened. I walked in and Jeremy followed in behind me.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Gilbert and..." The teacher trailed off, looking at me. He was in about his late forties.

I rolled my eyes which he didn't seem to like when he glared at me. "I'm Victoria Salvatore," I said handing him the paper. Since I've been to a few schools, I knew how this would go.

I gave him the paper, he looked at it, I told everyone about me, I sat down.

Once Mr. Tanner was done looking through the paper, he gave it back to me. His eyes did light up though when I said my name. Great, everyone still remembers the Salvatore's.

"Well, Miss Salvatore, I don't like it when you are late." The teacher told me, not paying too much attention. "You can sit next to your partner in crime, Mr.Gilbert." I walked to the desk next to Jeremy and sat down.

"He's a rude bastard." He laughed in response.

The teacher started to talk again and I zoned out. When you learned these things a hundred times, you tend to not pay attention. Even if you haven't though, like everyone else, you seem to zone out of his class. He made the class unpleasant.

"Miss Salvatore, would you please answer the question?" Mr. Tanner asked, smirking and leaning against his desk. He seemed to know I wasn't listening.

I fake gasped, "Oh no! You caught me, I wasn't paying attention. Please, Mr. Tanner, don't make me embarrass myself." I said with dry sarcasm. He stared at me evilly which only made me smile. A few chuckles were thrown around the room.

"What year did the Korean War end?" He snipped.

I rolled my eyes. Couldn't he think of a harder one? "1953" I answered, not caring. I went back to not listening, thinking of better things I could be doing.

I was snapped out of it again. "Incorrect!" He yelled

At first I thought I did make the mistake, but when I thought about it, I knew I told the right answer. "Actually it is correct." I raised an eyebrow with confusion.

Mr. Tanner got off the edge of his desk, stalking towards me. He seemed to try to intimidate me, but it wasn't working.

"Are you arguing with me?" He asked.

"No, I'm correcting you," I replied honestly which earned me a glare.

Boy, was this going to be a fun year.


The rest of the classes were a drag until the lunch bell rang. I waved bye to a person I don't remember the name of. Everyone had lunch at the same time, making the halls pretty crowded. So when I was pushed and ended up tripping, I had a reason for being a clumsy vampire.

"Whoa!" A guy caught me. Again, steadying me so I was balanced.

The guy was buff for a teenager, he seemed to know that too because the guy held a cocky grin across his face. His eyes darted up and down my body. I scoffed and started to walk away.

He grabbed my wrist. "What no 'thanks', babe?" He asked 'innocently' before smirking at me. "I'm Tyler."

"Well, Tyler," I seethed. "This babe doesn't enjoy guys disrespecting her." My arms crossed over my chest.

Tyler smirked at me. "It isn't disrespecting if I am complementing you on your body, babe." I scoffed. "Feisty, I like it."

This boy was ridiculous! Couldn't he see that I don't enjoy it when he stands there, looking me up and down like I was some toy? I had way more self-respect. What happened to guys being gentlemen?

I left Tyler standing there by himself, heading to the lunch room. Where I got my lunch and looked around to see if I could find Stefan. Before I found Stefan, I found Jeremy sitting by himself at a table.

I walked over and asked him, "Is this where all the cool people sit?" He turned his head and looked at me, and I sat down.

"If you call me cool," He said to me with a small smile.

"Of course I do," I honestly said to him. "You're the only guy that hasn't been a total jerk," I said with a glare.

Jeremy also glared- he seemed to know who I was talking about. "You mean Tyler Lockwood. Don't you?" I nodded.

I shoved some food into my mouth, my mood changing. "Hey, are you into parties?" I asked with a perky tone.

"Yeah. Why?" He asked while chewing on his sandwich.

I laughed at his childish ways. "Because I heard people talk about a party at the Lockwood's, but after meeting Tyler I didn't want to go alone." I clarified to him. "I could go for a good teenage party."

"Ah... I don't know." Jeremy seemed hesitant. "Tyler and I don't get along very well," He said with a smirk.

"Oh, but you will be with me," I said getting up and spinning myself in a circle. "And I know how to have tons of fun." My eyebrows wiggled as I sat back down.

It was his turn to laugh at me which he did. "I'll think about."

"Thank you! Thank you!" I cheered while jumping up and down in my seat.

He grinned, "I didn't say yes."

He had a bag of chips sitting on the table and I grabbed one. "Oh, I know. But it will most definitely turn into one."

**So, I am planning on making the beginning similar to the other Save Me, so if it seems repetitive, hang in with me. TRUST ME!!! it will be getting better ;) 

 I love you guys, vomman!**

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