Chapter 5

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Sonic woke up with no memory of what had happed all he remembers is flirting with some girls and knuckles coming to talk to him and then he blacked out he decided to skip school cause of the massive headache he had.      in the group chat

blue blur: hey guys I ant gonna be at school today massive headache 🤢

talking ben aka ana: oh get used to it big babeiy 🙄🙄🙄

blue blur: imagen not being able to spell 

the rose: k take care sonic ill tell sticks

the leader of this group: k sonic hope u feel better :)

Slade: ANA PRIVET CHAT ME NOW and also kk get well scenic :3

sonic smiled at his friend's responses and took a long nap he woke up to a knock on his nonexistent door "hey sonic it's knuckles" sonic groned "uh knux come in"  "sonic we have to talk about last night" knuckles said walking in "yeah tell me what goofy things I said" sonic said sitting up "its kinda not what you said its what you did" sonic froze thinking about the things he could've gotten his self into he gulped "shoot at me"   "you kinda sorta uhh kissed me and then kept flirting with me"  sonic froze as he knew that knuckles knew his crush or did he "oh i-i- uh I'm sorry I must of masken you for amy or another female" sonic said messing with his fingers "oh no it's fine I was thinking that anyway by the way it doesn't make me uncomfortable I know you were just drunk" knuckles said smiling  "how about I take you to meh burger to make up for it"  "HECK YEAH"  they both left to go to meh burger they talked about the most random thing like how tommy thunder was reasceing a new movie or how ana and slade making out pics got leaked they also told jokes they waved goodbye to eatchother this was just like the time sonic fell in love with knuckles he had his coat on knuckles forgot agein but then sonic realize the bracelet he had on was gone he must of dropped it he was tired anyway and decided to call it a night sencie his head kinda still hurt. Knuckles got home and realized he forgot his coat and he forgot  to give sonic his bracelet knuckles decided to go to sleep but he ended up starting at sonics bracelet and he started to think about sonic and how he always laughed at his jokes and how he was almost as good looking as him or how his smile looked and how kissed him he got butterflies at the thought of it "i love you" those words kept playing in his head over and over now that he thought about it shadow never told him that he loved him he smiled at the thought and feel asleep 

the next day at lunch was very interesting sonic was about to go get lunch two boys came in front of him and the boys held shadow back as if shadow was about to fight him "you little stupid hedgehog" everyone gathered around and got their phones out when the teacher came out to separate the to he asked what was the meaning of all of this "he tried to attack me first" sonic said  "yeah cause first you call me the f slur then you insult the LGBTQ community and you started calling me racist slurs"   "you don't have any proof" Ana called out  "I heard him say it" mark said "i did to" another said now there were at least 20 people were now saying that sonic said all those things  "that's enough proof for you Dorthy" shadow said  sonic looked at his friends he didn't do this and why was mark taking shadows side his friends gave him a disappointed look shadow walked past sonic and whispered "this is what you get for stealing my boyfriend and my friends you bitch" sonic didn't care what shadow said and ran up to his friends "you really don't belive shadow i would never say that stuff ever even if shadow is a bitch"  "look sonic if mark said you did than it has to be true were not saying were not your friends anymore were just to emberred to by you"  "but I SWEAR I DIDNT SAY IT YOU HAVE TO BELIVE ME ana slade amy sticks tails.....knuckles" everyone but knuckles gave him disappointed look "wait guys maybe sonic didn't do this " ana pulled knuckles away "your to kind for this world knux lets go" knuckles felt guilty but went anyway sonic felt so mad all he could do is run so he ran it started to rain so he sat under a tree he was just so mad at shadow and his friends for not trusting him all exsept knuckles it made him feel fuzzy but he shook it off cause he was supposed to be mad all he had was the protectshon of the tree and knuckles coat for warmth he closed his eyes and snuggled into the coat "once i stayed out in the rain like this and caught a bad cold" someone said sonic recognized that voice it was knuckles he was happy but remberd he was supposed to be mad "not now knux I'm not in the mood"  "ok but please come to my house atleat i don't want you to get a cold a right before prom jease"  "why do you even care"   "cause your a valuable member of team knuckles i don't wanna lose you"this made sonic blush so he buried his face in the jacket to hide it "well I'm not leaveing so don't bother"  "sonic i really don't wanna do this but you leave me with no other chose" knuckles grabbed his jackit away and wrapped sonic in it then picked him up bridel style "h-he-hey p-p-p-put me down" sonic said "i cant hear you over my awsom saveing skills" knuckles said running "y-you know this is kidnaping" sonic poauted they finally arrived at knuckles house were sonic was placed on the couch and still tied up knuckles went to go make him and sonic hot coco "ok ill untie you ya cant leave ok" "yeah yeah" knuckles untied sonic and as soon as he was done sonic was about to run away but knuckles caught him "sonic you promised" knuckles said giving him puppy eyes "this made sonic flusterd "f-ff one j-j-just stop making that face"  "YAY" they sat and watched movies together and played a lot of video games talked until the rain stoped knuckles let sonic keep his coat until tomorrow sonics stomuce exploded with butterflys when he left he was smiling the whole way home until he realized tomorrow the day before prom.

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