It took about 30-45 minutes to get to the gates of the village. We left our house at about 8 so we have plenty of time to get everything we need and get home before sundown.

We haven't gotten past the gate yet, but they are talking about them. Another thing, we're kind of poor. Not enough to say we're starving, but we don't have the money to just buy anything we so desire.

What I'm trying to get at, we can only bathe once a week, unless we're in a cold stream. Our house is equipped with a kitchen, which takes most of out electricity to run. We have to make our own via windmill, so of course even warm water is a luxury.

Which is why we all have different days, mine happens to be Wednesday. Which is tomorrow as we go into the village on Tuesdays. In other words, we go into the village on the days I am the dirtiest.

If you were wondering, Tou-san is on Saturdays and Kaa-san is on Mondays.

Anyways, after walking through the gate, I noticed it looked oddly... familiar. I've seen it before, but I've only ever seen the inside of our house so far. So I must have seen it in my past life, but that's impossible... right?

The only time I saw the outside was when I was going to my job. And I know for sure this never existed in Japan. The only other thing I can think of is my live for anime. But... surely not, right? It's impossible... never mind, it's not impossible because I've already been reincarnated, why would being reincarnated into an anime be impossible?

So now all that's left is to figure out which one, eh? Suddenly, Kaa-san turned. Ah, now it makes sense. I sweat dropped. I had been abruptly faced towards the hokage monument.

So... I'm in the world of Naruto? Ah, that's... something. I mean, I'm a farmer right? None of the shinobi garb pertains to me. But... I can still feel chakra. It's every Otaku's dream to be able to replicate what they do in the show.

Hehe, I can still do that... after all I can feel everyone's chakra. Just because I train mine doesn't mean I have to become a shinobi.

No offense to the shinobi, it's a noble profession... to most, I just don't want to be mixed up in the war that's to come.

Now that I think about it... why can I feel all of the chakra around me? At least, I assume it's chakra, what else could it be? I would say it's something passed down in my family tree, but if that were the case I'm sure we wouldn't be poor farmers.

Maybe it's because my mind isn't used to it. I do come from a world where it doesn't exist. Maybe now that it does, and my mind isn't used to it, it's extremely sensitive to it's presence? I honestly have no idea, but that's my theory for now.


This is boring. Don't get me wrong, being able to see the sights and all is amazing compared to sitting in the house all day, but the thing is, I'm not seeing any sights other than people cooing at me! It's so annoying! Leave me alone already, I'm an introvert, all these people are draining my social battery quickly.

Now that I know what the chakra is in me, I want to see if I can control it. But, I can't exactly do that when we're in the middle of a whole bunch of shinobi. Seriously, their running around over the rooftops like ants.

Of course I can sense all of them. They have stronger chakra than the civilians and I can sense them, so why wouldn't I know where they're at. Of course, they are hiding their chakra at least a little, but it's easy to tell the difference. Their chakra, after being worked and manipulated for so many years, is now more concentrated than the civilians. And when they 'hide' it all they do is push it down and condense it.

As an example think of condensed milk vs regular milk. Condensed milk is thicker, but can still be manipulated like milk is, while regular milk is thinner. It's something like that.

Anyways, we're finally going home! There I should be able to practice manipulating chakra without any set backs. I mean, my parents are literally civilians, they won't be able to tell. 

On the way back, I began to hone my senses. By that I mean I began focusing on the chakra around the forest and generally seeing how far out I can sense chakra. I also began to try and tell the difference between a bug and a leaf.

It got easier to tell as time ticked on. I even caught a shinobi or two heading out to a mission. I'm not worried about them sensing my chakra, because I don't use chakra to sense other's chakra, like shinobi do. It's basically a sixth sense I have. I can just... sense it.

After returning home, Kaa-san began making dinner while Tou-san 'played' with me.

By 'play' I mean he was spinning me around and playing pikaboo, needless to say I was unimpressed.

I mean, he is trying his best. But... we are poor. Which means no toys. They did good to get me a crib.

After a few minutes of playing, Tou-san put me down in my crib so he could go eat with Kaa-san. While they did that, I began to poke and prod at my chakra to see if I could get anything out of it.

It took quite a while, but eventually I was able to figure out how to swirl it, expand it, retract it, and condense it. Well, I say condense, shinobi all over the world say 'hide'.

After learning how to do that, I began to spin it constantly. I want to see if I can expand my chakra reserves as a baby. I'm curious as to how that would work.

I even attempted to continue to swirl it while being fed. Which, by the way, is still EXTREMELY uncomfortable for me. Even after two months.

Soon I began to get tired, and so I was put to bed, after a diaper change (which is still embarrassing, it will never not be) and fell quickly to sleep, while vowing to figure out a way to swirl my chakra while sleeping.

Reborn (Naruto x Male!OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora